I remember when...

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Yup, another nostalgia thread. I've been on the server since it opened right before BC, had a lot of good times here. I don't get to play much anymore due to working two jobs while going to school AND helping plan my wedding. But I now have time at this job to browse forums. Let's just reminisce about the good old times.

...the server first opened and Ghostfang Brotherhood was recruiting anyone with a pulse.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh god.

Way to make me feel old Xiang.

I remember when...
  • The Convocation was around.
  • Wayfarer's Inn was where all the cool kids hung out.
  • I used to torment non-roleplayers by demanding they come to SMC if they wanted gems.
  • Vanguard of Silvermoon dragged my fail-lock's rear through raids.
  • Belinor made that thread. (ilu Beli)
  • I remember when you couldn't go into Wayfarer's without having to fend off an infernal or two.
  • Silvermoon was the most defended city in the Horde (only because half the server was there all the time).
  • Mankrik's wife visited Silvermoon and waged war against 'pretty elf people'.

  • Olordie, what a strange trip it's been, eh?

    Now get dem darn kids off my lawn! *shakes cane*
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    90 Dwarf Shaman
    I remember when Bonescythe and Suename would camp silvermoon city >.>
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    Xiang, you are mistaken about Ghostfang. They didn't recruit anyone with a pulse, however they were at one point the biggest guild on server the week BC dropped, so it seemed everyone wanted to be with the cool kids.
    Edited by Mitsou on 7/30/2012 8:07 PM PDT
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    85 Human Warrior
    I remember when we're more populated with quality RP'ers and the number of circle-jerk elitists who banded together wasn't so much right now.
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    1 Undead Warlock
    I don't remember GFB recruiting; I do remember them transferring from Argent Dawn with a very large contingent of Horde players. There was a huge horde meeting of RP guilds on AD trying to determine if this little server named Sisters of Elune was worth the free trip.

    I also remember Rudy's constant meltdowns. One was so epic he threatened to hunt down certain players in real life and "deal with them old west style."

    Rijda trying to AFK out of an arena match and his opponents coming here to show of the screen shots of him being mind control healed for the entirety of the match.

    I remember being guilded with Shade when she hit level 45 and was trying to determine whether to use the Bloodrazor that dropped or sell it on the AH.

    Blood and Thunder's leader posting a picture of himself wearing a pink polo shirt.
    Edited by Unclerev on 8/5/2012 2:56 AM PDT
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    100 Tauren Shaman
    /waves at Xiang

    Every time a new expansion is looming, it makes me nostalgic for the early says of SoE. As one of the original GFB members who transferred from AD, it was an exciting time. There's nothing quite like a fresh new server. I miss the family atmosphere that we had in Ghostfang, and the awesome RP guild meetings in crazy places. And I love where I am now, having been in Apples for 4 years now I have had a lot of awesome experiences here, and met some awesome people.

    Those were some good times in Kara and SSC, eh Xiang? Congrats on your impending wedding, man.
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    90 Blood Elf Hunter

    Blood and Thunder's leader posting a picture of himself wearing a pink polo shirt.

    Oh God, Uncle Rev. I had forgotten about Blood and Thunder's constant threads. The parodies Nozz and others made were pretty good too.

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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    07/30/2012 08:06 PMPosted by Mitsou
    Xiang, you are mistaken about Ghostfang. They didn't recruit anyone with a pulse, however they were at one point the biggest guild on server the week BC dropped, so it seemed everyone wanted to be with the cool kids.
    I meant no disrespect by that, I was recruited by them eventually as well, and it was good times while it lasted. It was a very friendly family-style group and I probably wouldn't have lasted through most of BC, and certainly wouldn't be posting here now if it weren't for my time in GFB.

    Also, I remember when we actually had an active forum community. When you actually had to dig to find a post that was more than a day or two old. And in that vein, although I thought of them as a pain at the time and just occasionally funny, I do miss blood and thunder and Rudy.

    Oh, and Hey Vahnya. Those were some good times, and thanks!
    Edited by Xiangnala on 8/8/2012 6:28 AM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Hey Xiang, grats on the incoming wedding.
    Like you I don't play much anymore. We moved to the middle of no where. Satellite internet BLOWS so badly. Came back cause the satellite company is upgrading its service soon, so I am getting ready for MoP and currently playing in about 2k lat. Means no PVP =S. Even when I try, its to messed up to enjoy.

    What i remember....

    - RP lvling Valekk all the way to cap with a group of friends.

    - Obelisk's rants ally side

    - Ydur and my Human warrior (first toon) fighting on a mountain in Shadowmoon Valley
    (Ydur character I miss. Ydur himself, I hope got help after leaving >.> )

    - I miss when our realm was so small that you could almost easily look at a max lvl character and know they were new to the realm because you never seen the name before.

    - "Finding a home" forum RP thread

    - Belinor and the Altar of Shadows screen shot lol

    - Nozz, Shade and Rev (99% why i checked these forums. Always had great post).

    - When the people on SoE knew it was a RP and had no problem with that. (Not saying Raiding didn't have its place or non rp'ers. But I see a lot more of "Blizz should make this a normal realm" since returning).

    - I remember meeting some great people here too. That even years later, I still talk to out of game. And some, sadly i have lost contact with over the years.

    I have a lot I normally miss about SoE from years ago, but of course now that I am here thinking about it. None of it comes to mine.


    Though it is great to see Apples still kicking !@#. I have seen Dark Favor around a little, which makes me happy.
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    85 Human Warrior

    - When the people on SoE knew it was a RP and had no problem with that. (Not saying Raiding didn't have its place or non rp'ers. But I see a lot more of "Blizz should make this a normal realm" since returning).

    I've addressed an issue like this before. There's a whole-ton of people Alliance side who still didn't have a clue that they're on an RP realm, and have the nerve to hardcore-troll newcomers who're checking out our server.

    People like these deserve a metal bar shoved up their backside. See if they like it, after being so "tough" behind a computer screen.
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    90 Blood Elf Priest
    I remember...

    - hours upon hours spent RPing around a campfire with friends. Savarra, Olumin and Valekk in particular.

    - Ydur's goodbye. Dang I miss that guy.

    - When Dark Favor killed Kael'thas for the first time. I wasn't part of the guild then but practically EVERYONE gathered in Shattrath to watch the event. It felt so epic to even just be a part of watching that.

    - the Facepull pugs. So much fun!

    - running Heroic Magister's Terrace EVERY SINGLE NIGHT with Ammut, Rokey and Valekk (and usually Bukki) in order to get that darned white chicken that refused to drop. If either of you guys are reading this thread: I FINALLY GOT IT. In Wrath. When 3 friends basically MADE me go try.

    - The "Finding a Home" RP thread. I made so many friends on that thread.

    - Dagonda. Enough said. LOL

    Sisters of Elune will always be home to me, no matter where I play now. This is where I got my start and I'll always come back. I miss the people I used to play with so much!
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    89 Human Warlock
    - Belinor and the Altar of Shadows screen shot lol

    hehe i think i still have that ss on my photobucket, not sure

    - Obelisk's rants ally side

    that guy was a trip but now soe has penelope =P


    that was hillarious, never knew them personally but they made the forums entertaining... more entertaining then my silly threads (javied)

    ahh the forums early soe =P ...i remember pai the hunter and her begging for gold, beaudefluers naked pictures thread, lliliums pvp threads, gusy does ironforge, teasing fenrien about bacon, mirson rants about skeletons ruining his roleplay, revs wisdom threads, nozz the sweet and nice civil ambassador of soe, dagonda and me accusing a female tauren from dark favor (cant remember her name) for being a famous forum troll (cant remember trolls name either, it was a little pink hair male gnome), belinor always saying hes sorry for this and that lol

    i only have one toon on this server now (hordeside, i was javied the warrior =P) but i do remember the forums from the old days....dont think i will ever experience a MMO quite like what soe was in its early days =P
    Edited by Latìna on 8/10/2012 4:14 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Dissipate? Something like that, I think was the gnome forum troll wasn't it? The person you thought it was was...Chariet, BUT, it was never proven.

    SoE forums now a days is sad. Since I replied on this days ago, only 2 people have replied since. SoE years ago would have had 2 replies in seconds afterwards. =S
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    89 Human Warlock
    yep chariet female tauren from dark favor and dissipate the gnome forum troll

    i think the reason we suspected was if i remember correctly was dagonda seeing a post he/she changed right after it ( the troll ) posted .. the signature that we use to have on the old forums

    but yea it was never proven =P .. fun times tho hehe the old forums ( i liked the color scheme too )
    Edited by Latìna on 8/10/2012 5:18 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Rogue
    [quote]i only have one toon on this server now (hordeside, i was javied the warrior =P) but i do remember the forums from the old days....dont think i will ever experience a MMO quite like what soe was in its early days =P

    Oh my lord Javied. Dude, haven't seen that name in FOREVER, not since the days of draggin bears kickin and screamin out of ZA
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    100 Orc Warrior
    I remember when this server's forum had a progression thread, but it wasn't just unstickied and/or locked... it was completely removed... no explanation was ever given.
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