Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a young goblin named Fizzlethwaite. Her eyes were large and golden, her skin was a most desirable shade of olive green, and her hair was soft and silky, just the color of freshly changed rocket fuel. Fizzlethwaite lived with her father in Azshara, working for the Goblin King designing many great engineering inventions. Fizzlethwaite's father was very well known and very rich, both things important to a goblin...but his greatest pride and joy was his daughter.
"One day, Fizzlethwaite," he would often say, "You will be the greatest engineer in Azeroth!"
Fizzlethwaite had absolutely no doubt that this was true, especially with the plans for the Spectrecles she was working on. These were a pair of wondrous goggles that would allow the wearer to see and harness the power of The Great Beyond. She wasn't exactly sure what The Great Beyond was, or how to harness its power...or what, if anything, one was supposed to do with it. It was a work in progress.
But things weren't always fated to be so peaceful. Fizzlethwaite's father had lost his wife soon after Fizzlethwaite was born in a horrific quillboar accident, and the lonely Azshara nights got long. So it was, soon after her sweet 16th birthday, Fizzlethwaite got a new stepmother. Grizzlemopp came with two daughters of her own, Mixie and Trixie, who were not interested in engineering in the slightest. They spent their time huddled over copies of PlayHorde, giggling and fantasizing dreamily about such hunks as Gamon and Lor'themar. March's centerfold consisted of Garrosh Hellscream in a loincloth, which caused them to scream with fangirlish delight for two whole hours. Fizzlethwaite began spending a lot of her time in the lab, tinkering with her Spectrecles.
Then, one day, tragedy struck. While adjusting the cogs on his new AutoBombing Chicken, Fizzlethwaite's father was blown to tiny pieces. Everyone was devastated, but none more than Fizzlethwaite, who was now orphaned. Things didn't improve much for her after that, as Grizzlemopp made her move out of the house and start sleeping above the lab.
"Well, really," she reasoned. "Your father only left us a large fortune, after all, not a huge one. I need the house for myself so I can contain the magnitude of grief I feel at his passing."
The magnitude of her grief soon included seventeen new mechanohawgs, a turboprop aeroplane, and several mechanical gnome servants. Of course, the money didn't last long after that, and Fizzlethwaite was forced into rags, cleaning up after her stepmother and stepsisters. Poor Fizzlethwaite! Her beautiful green skin was soon stained with oil and soot as she cleaned the mechanohawgs, her soft silky hair was frizzy with dirt, and she had no time at all to work on her Spectrecles. They sat on a top shelf of the abandoned lab, gathering dust.
"One day, I will be the greatest engineer in Azeroth!" she sniffled as she cried herself to sleep every night, great tears dripping off the end of her goblin nose.
A year after this, a letter arrived by carrier rat at the manor, addressed to the ladies of the house.
"Oh, look!" cried Grizzlemopp, "We're being invited to a Grand Engineer's Ball, hosted by the High Society of Engineers in Orgrimmar! How simply splendid. I must attend, there might be a young, handsome, rich engineer who could fill the magnitude of my grief..."
"High Tinker Mekkatorque will be there." mused Fizzlethwaite, looking at the invitation. "Perhaps the Gnomish engineers might know how to perfect my Spectrecles."
"Ha, as if you're going." sniffed Mixie and Trixie. "You spend so much time in cinders and soot, they'd probably mistake you for spare parts! Ha ha ha! Cinderfizzle, Cinderfizzle!" they sang at her, pelting her with spare bolts until she ran from the room, crying.
Fizzlethwaite watched with growing depression as her stepmother and stepsisters decked themselves out in their finest clothes for the ball, then strapped on goggles and caps for the long zepplin ride to Durotar, leaving the manor in a cloud of dust and oil on three brightly polished mechanohawgs. In a rage, she took down the Spectrecles and threw them at the wall.
"Stupid ball!" she shouted. "Stupid mechanohawgs! Stupid Spectrecles! I'll never be the greatest engineer in all Azeroth! Never! Never! Never!" she slumped against the wall of the lab, sobbing, and didn't notice for a while that when the Spectrecles had hit the wall, something buzzed.
Something clicked.
Something whirred.
And the Spectrecles turned on.
"One day, Fizzlethwaite," he would often say, "You will be the greatest engineer in Azeroth!"
Fizzlethwaite had absolutely no doubt that this was true, especially with the plans for the Spectrecles she was working on. These were a pair of wondrous goggles that would allow the wearer to see and harness the power of The Great Beyond. She wasn't exactly sure what The Great Beyond was, or how to harness its power...or what, if anything, one was supposed to do with it. It was a work in progress.
But things weren't always fated to be so peaceful. Fizzlethwaite's father had lost his wife soon after Fizzlethwaite was born in a horrific quillboar accident, and the lonely Azshara nights got long. So it was, soon after her sweet 16th birthday, Fizzlethwaite got a new stepmother. Grizzlemopp came with two daughters of her own, Mixie and Trixie, who were not interested in engineering in the slightest. They spent their time huddled over copies of PlayHorde, giggling and fantasizing dreamily about such hunks as Gamon and Lor'themar. March's centerfold consisted of Garrosh Hellscream in a loincloth, which caused them to scream with fangirlish delight for two whole hours. Fizzlethwaite began spending a lot of her time in the lab, tinkering with her Spectrecles.
Then, one day, tragedy struck. While adjusting the cogs on his new AutoBombing Chicken, Fizzlethwaite's father was blown to tiny pieces. Everyone was devastated, but none more than Fizzlethwaite, who was now orphaned. Things didn't improve much for her after that, as Grizzlemopp made her move out of the house and start sleeping above the lab.
"Well, really," she reasoned. "Your father only left us a large fortune, after all, not a huge one. I need the house for myself so I can contain the magnitude of grief I feel at his passing."
The magnitude of her grief soon included seventeen new mechanohawgs, a turboprop aeroplane, and several mechanical gnome servants. Of course, the money didn't last long after that, and Fizzlethwaite was forced into rags, cleaning up after her stepmother and stepsisters. Poor Fizzlethwaite! Her beautiful green skin was soon stained with oil and soot as she cleaned the mechanohawgs, her soft silky hair was frizzy with dirt, and she had no time at all to work on her Spectrecles. They sat on a top shelf of the abandoned lab, gathering dust.
"One day, I will be the greatest engineer in Azeroth!" she sniffled as she cried herself to sleep every night, great tears dripping off the end of her goblin nose.
A year after this, a letter arrived by carrier rat at the manor, addressed to the ladies of the house.
"Oh, look!" cried Grizzlemopp, "We're being invited to a Grand Engineer's Ball, hosted by the High Society of Engineers in Orgrimmar! How simply splendid. I must attend, there might be a young, handsome, rich engineer who could fill the magnitude of my grief..."
"High Tinker Mekkatorque will be there." mused Fizzlethwaite, looking at the invitation. "Perhaps the Gnomish engineers might know how to perfect my Spectrecles."
"Ha, as if you're going." sniffed Mixie and Trixie. "You spend so much time in cinders and soot, they'd probably mistake you for spare parts! Ha ha ha! Cinderfizzle, Cinderfizzle!" they sang at her, pelting her with spare bolts until she ran from the room, crying.
Fizzlethwaite watched with growing depression as her stepmother and stepsisters decked themselves out in their finest clothes for the ball, then strapped on goggles and caps for the long zepplin ride to Durotar, leaving the manor in a cloud of dust and oil on three brightly polished mechanohawgs. In a rage, she took down the Spectrecles and threw them at the wall.
"Stupid ball!" she shouted. "Stupid mechanohawgs! Stupid Spectrecles! I'll never be the greatest engineer in all Azeroth! Never! Never! Never!" she slumped against the wall of the lab, sobbing, and didn't notice for a while that when the Spectrecles had hit the wall, something buzzed.
Something clicked.
Something whirred.
And the Spectrecles turned on.