Ok I know its still 2 months out and I don't truly know the gold status of this server yet, only been here a few weeks.
This is going to be bad when this opens up and heroic parts start to hit it(bracers and belt). I really don't feel like going into a biding war with other million's on this server so I vote we do something. I say we do a 1v1 in an arena some were to see who can bid on it. This will save some one from bidding so dam high and wasting so much gold.
Or we can just wast the gold and not care about anyone. I truly don't think a guild is going to drop 1 mil on an item for 1 person. This is more about the people that have a few mil saved up for something like this, like me :P
In other news some one buy my 5k fortune cards- I need at least 2 mil gold lol
You shouldn't be worrying about the black market AH when it comes to anything like gear or mounts - Because they are going to be extremely high, and also randomly appear to only be bid against another player. You said you have a few mil saved up? Good for you, and good for the guy bidding against you, at least he will have someone to fight for on ashes of alar. It's near gold cap bidding with this stuff, so if you were to really sum it down and compare it to wow, its really for wows Billionaires rather then the millionaires. Accounts are allowed 20mill gold cap per realm, so if you have 1 mill or 5mill to dump into this gold sink then fine. I don't know what you mean by fighting against other millions, the highest populated server is Illdan with 46,000 players total - not dividing between horde/alliance.
The whole point of this AH is a reverse quantitative easing ,were blizzard takes away gold from this game, so you bragging about having millions to dump really does nothing but make you seem stupid.
Its not going to be as big a deal as everyone says - although i believe it will moderate the inflation - i doubt it will demote any of the rich : this method only offers luxurys and won't force the rich to spend any of their money. Also the amount of currency being generated will only go up this expansion by 19% from regular price indices. If you do the average 13 quest per day you will be able to generate 474,000 gold in a year - a year seems like a long time doesn't it? Not when that is only going to add on to your additional AH earnings or whatever else you pick up on the way. Pretty much, everyone is going to be rich in Mop, unless of course blizzard raises the gold cap which i see them having to do with all this inflation.
I already have ashes, and i already have plenty of gold. This won't effect me because i won't have to buy anything, and i have Jewelcrafting which is already the mainstream supplier to anyone looking to gem up. There is that yek but it's just another travelers, it doesn't even have anymore seats. At this point the joke is on blizzard, they aren't targeting the wealthy in the right way.
What now blizzard? The Rich get Richer, the Questers make modest earnings and inflation is through the roof. Next i will expect blizzard will add in a Fed to control our spending haha.