To one of the best Tanks ever. Kurare

90 Human Mage
Its been a long time since bc days when we used to heroic together.
I often think about my old friends and every time I think of you I feel regret.
I should have never pushed you to take people you didn't know just because they were guildies. It was your raid. I'm sorry. Your probably long gone and wil never see this , however I wanted to get this off my chest. I'll never forget Naked tanking either.

Much Love
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90 Tauren Paladin
Never forget a good tank :D
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85 Human Paladin
09/03/2012 04:25 PMPosted by Massin
Never forget a good tank :D

Amen to that
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90 Orc Warrior
uhh hmmm...

what about .. your best WARRIOR buddy ever?

<---- i use to be javied

Edited by Tänkrä on 9/8/2012 4:44 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Good tanks are hard to come by.

I feel I do alright when I'm tanking. Many people say I'm pretty good and not too often I'll get whispers from people I've tanked for saying they enjoyed their experiences with me when I'm tanking. More whispers throughout Wrath than in Cata, the forced name change from Biggerbear to Biggestbear must be the culprit.

But I've always enjoyed tanking and have always tried to help other tanks when they seem to be struggling. I've even coached a good dozen tanks through LFR when it first came out.

Ps: I do get this all the time, but if anyone wants/cares to know why I'm a pally with the name Biggestbear and not a druid, i can make a thread about it if there's enough interest.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Wow, lot of old faces still around.

EDIT: Also <3 Kurare / Nine
Edited by Zenogias on 9/18/2012 9:28 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Good tanks are hard to come by.

I feel I do alright when I'm tanking. Many people say I'm pretty good and not too often I'll get whispers from people I've tanked for saying they enjoyed their experiences with me when I'm tanking. More whispers throughout Wrath than in Cata, the forced name change from Biggerbear to Biggestbear must be the culprit.

But I've always enjoyed tanking and have always tried to help other tanks when they seem to be struggling. I've even coached a good dozen tanks through LFR when it first came out.

Ps: I do get this all the time, but if anyone wants/cares to know why I'm a pally with the name Biggestbear and not a druid, i can make a thread about it if there's enough interest.

i find myself curious about the name i will admit,

however for the coaching newer tanks in LFR that good sir wins you the golden sheild award, seriously, most people when they come across less skilled tanks or ones who just don't know a fight, just wind up nerdraging and scaring the poor tank out of the role, taking the time to help them however puts (hopfully) more good tanks out there and creats a overall better community (just what i would hope for from the former 'friendlyst server')

I do hope the OP's friend see's this or at least hears about it however, as one of the best parts of the normally thankless job, is when people take the time to thank you, makes it all worth it
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