Looking to purchase a lvl 2+ guild

100 Undead Warlock
I'm looking to get some funds off-server, and as such I am looking for a guild level 2 or higher to purchase. I don't care about bank slots, name, or any of that.

Offering 20k, and in addition I can give you a level 1 guild with 6 bank slots (if you still need a solution for your personal banking needs). My bank alt isn't needed much these days.
Do not shy from dark paths... if those paths lead to victory -Apothecary Zamah
Proud owner of 197 companion pets.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
i have one for ya <3
just whisper me or Strangeways about it.
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100 Undead Warlock
Unfortunately, it has to be hordeside. I appreciate the offer, but alas, Goblins take too large a cut when moving finances between factions, and Blizzard takes too large a cut to change a guild's faction. ;)
Do not shy from dark paths... if those paths lead to victory -Apothecary Zamah
Proud owner of 197 non-combat pets.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Still looking for one Horde side?
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