Hello from Cenarion Circle!

Dear Sisters of Elune:

You may have noticed a lot of us running around on your server, amongst your lonely hills and dales and even places like Dalaran. We won't bite you!

Big waves and hugs from your sister server at Cenarion Circle.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
I want to give big waves and hugs too.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
You all should just go ahead and mass exodus over here to SoE! =D
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90 Human Priest
Hiya Neighbors!

Great to see you visiting!

The Mighty Zen Raiding Guild welcomes you to the Sisters of Elune realm.

If ever you need an Alliance home to hang yer hat, here on SoE, contact me in-game for an invitation to the guild.

Otherwise, just /wave or say Howdy when visiting our fair realm.

Best wishes,
- Penelopae

Edit: I really should run these posts through Word before submitting. My spelling gets attrocious when free-form posting, apparantly.
Edited by Penelopae on 8/29/2012 11:35 AM PDT
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90 Human Priest
And hello from Blackwater Raiders!

I hopped over here to give a warm greeting, but it seems someone else has already said it! :p So far I'm really enjoying the cross-server zones. It's awesome to actually see people around the world again. There's no reason to be quiet or shy around us, we don't bite! *Winknudge*

See you around!
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90 Worgen Druid
As similarly stated in the Cenarion Circle forum page:

I was pleasantly surprised to see Cenarion Circle-ites in Iron Forge today. When I first moused over someone, I had to do a double take. I think I'll have to macro "/hello"

So... From yours truly (the most dashing looking worgen on Sisters of Elune) I bid thee all welcome!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Welcome welcome! Totally excited to share the world zones with other RP realms. I'm really looking forward to the stories that come about.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Its like having a new cute step-brother...
are we supposed to fight like siblings or MAKE OUT ???!!!
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85 Human Warrior
Its like having a new cute step-brother...
are we supposed to fight like siblings or MAKE OUT ???!!!

The make out part seems more tempting, lemme go grab my video camera...

But it's so warming and touching to see folks here greeting each other. -sniffs-
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*enthusiastic wave*

Hm, should probably be posting this on my alliance character, but the sentiment is the same.
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90 Undead Priest
Hello Sisters of Elune! Just thought i'd drop by and introduce to you the pointy purple hat.

The most amazing hat in the land!
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72 Gnome Priest
*is very impressed by the hat*

I think the hat alone is taller than me...
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90 Undead Mage
Greetings Sister realm!

I've been doing some tests. It seems that our two realms might innately phase together no matter the zone - at the very least, during my phase of testing, we were the only two realms that showed up in Tirisfal without inviting, and we also showed up in Mulgore too. And our Dalaran's seem to blend.

Not sure how it works entirely - I think CC ends up in WrA's SMC.


I cordially invite you to any events of ours that you might be able to attend.

We're actually having a fishing event (you can show up just to chat if you want) tonight in one hour (10 est), at the Lushwater Oasis outside of Wailing Caverns. Im quite curious to see if we'll see you lot. Its a neutral event faction wise, though primarily Horde since we don't have translators employed for the alliance oflks, heh.
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90 Undead Death Knight
Yeah, I have seen quite a few of you guys! The server doesn't feel quite so much like a lost village in some mountain that no one has ever heard of.
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90 Undead Rogue
hai pacifika ive met you and well you arouse me good day welcome to the next horrid expansion
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90 Gnome Mage
We USUALLY have an Alliance Fishing event at 5:00 Pacific 7:00 server time on Tuesdays, but not tonight as the organizer has been trapped at work with no hope of making it back home at any reasonable time.

And I thought I was showing up in your lovely gardens - judging by the ping and clock.

Oh, and I too am impressed by the hat. Purple hats are very, very good.
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86 Gnome Warrior
heya circle and blackwater look foreword to fighting you all for the dal fishing derby
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