About Sindorei Illuminati
Our guild is a social and raiding guild that loves old world runs on the side. We have a strong foundation of officers and guildies that have molded SI into what it is today. We started roughly around the same time as SOE came on the scene; however, we had to reform sometime after. The guild offers a very relaxed chat, fun people and a friendly environment. Chat often times becomes crazy and we like that, it defines who are, and why people like to be here. There are a lot of unique personalities that set us apart and make us feel special. Many of our members have been in SI from the beginning, and some we picked up along the way, but we value each of them, and the contributions they bring to us.
Who do we want?
We tend to attract a more mature crowd, however our doors are open to anyone with a similar mindset, although we require a sense of humor. If you expect to be treated as an adult, please act as one. There is no special treatment for any one, and drama is not tolerated. The majority of our guildies are raiders, and social members who keep the green text interesting. We are not an RP guild, but we do not discriminate against rp'ers. We are, after all, on their realm. We do have some PVP'ers as well, but I would not describe us as a PVP guild.
What about raids, you guys raid.. right?
We maintained 2 consistent raiding groups throughout CATA. One being a more serious group that pushed the limits; and a more casual group, that while they got to see end bosses, did so at their own pace.
Currently we have spots available on both teams. We're working out the available spots as we head into MoP, but there is a definite need for dps and tanks. We prefer prior raiding experience.
Why Sindorei Illuminati? Why not some other guild?
We've been around for almost 5 years. We're a smaller close knit group of friends and WoW socialites who do share a similar mindset and progress at a casual yet consistent pace. We try to encourage members to group to help each other, and grief one another whichever seems to fit at the time. We try to be fair about our loot distribution, we've been using the same method for a long time and it works for us. We tend to go after achievements as a team, and very often, you'll find us farming something for someone's drake.
What if me and my {Gf, BF, BFF, baby mama, husband, wife, life partner, AA sponsor, etc} want to join but raid only with one another?
Our GM hates this question. We are no strangers to love, and admire the couples who want to play together. Expectations for our couples remain the same as with any other individual member. While we do have many "couples" who are able to play together, we can't always promise that both of you will get into the same group and stay there, although if a team works we tend to let it stay that way.
Anything else I need to know, you guys have a website or anything?
Our website is currently not being monitored, but our rules have not changed if you’d like to take a peek. www.si-guild.com We recently started a guild face book page, just for fun , and to try something different. We only accept friend requests from guildies, and friends of the guild so drop us a line in game if you would like to be added.
Thanks for reading this. If you are interested in our "dysfunctional family" just drop a member a tell in game. See you in Azeroth, and enjoy MoP.
Our guild is a social and raiding guild that loves old world runs on the side. We have a strong foundation of officers and guildies that have molded SI into what it is today. We started roughly around the same time as SOE came on the scene; however, we had to reform sometime after. The guild offers a very relaxed chat, fun people and a friendly environment. Chat often times becomes crazy and we like that, it defines who are, and why people like to be here. There are a lot of unique personalities that set us apart and make us feel special. Many of our members have been in SI from the beginning, and some we picked up along the way, but we value each of them, and the contributions they bring to us.
Who do we want?
We tend to attract a more mature crowd, however our doors are open to anyone with a similar mindset, although we require a sense of humor. If you expect to be treated as an adult, please act as one. There is no special treatment for any one, and drama is not tolerated. The majority of our guildies are raiders, and social members who keep the green text interesting. We are not an RP guild, but we do not discriminate against rp'ers. We are, after all, on their realm. We do have some PVP'ers as well, but I would not describe us as a PVP guild.
What about raids, you guys raid.. right?
We maintained 2 consistent raiding groups throughout CATA. One being a more serious group that pushed the limits; and a more casual group, that while they got to see end bosses, did so at their own pace.
Currently we have spots available on both teams. We're working out the available spots as we head into MoP, but there is a definite need for dps and tanks. We prefer prior raiding experience.
Why Sindorei Illuminati? Why not some other guild?
We've been around for almost 5 years. We're a smaller close knit group of friends and WoW socialites who do share a similar mindset and progress at a casual yet consistent pace. We try to encourage members to group to help each other, and grief one another whichever seems to fit at the time. We try to be fair about our loot distribution, we've been using the same method for a long time and it works for us. We tend to go after achievements as a team, and very often, you'll find us farming something for someone's drake.
What if me and my {Gf, BF, BFF, baby mama, husband, wife, life partner, AA sponsor, etc} want to join but raid only with one another?
Our GM hates this question. We are no strangers to love, and admire the couples who want to play together. Expectations for our couples remain the same as with any other individual member. While we do have many "couples" who are able to play together, we can't always promise that both of you will get into the same group and stay there, although if a team works we tend to let it stay that way.
Anything else I need to know, you guys have a website or anything?
Our website is currently not being monitored, but our rules have not changed if you’d like to take a peek. www.si-guild.com We recently started a guild face book page, just for fun , and to try something different. We only accept friend requests from guildies, and friends of the guild so drop us a line in game if you would like to be added.
Thanks for reading this. If you are interested in our "dysfunctional family" just drop a member a tell in game. See you in Azeroth, and enjoy MoP.
Edited by Keridwen on 9/23/2012 8:31 PM PDT