(H) Knights of the New Dawn: Now Recruiting!

100 Blood Elf Priest
The Knights of the New Dawn is a level 25 guild, complete with a full guild bank and closing in on our 6 year strong milestone! We are a gay friendly guild interested in all aspects of the game. Our main focus will always be RP. We run very laid back raids including old world runs for achievements, mounts, and transmog; as well as some current content. We are also planning on starting a PvP group with
our eyes toward arenas and rated BGs.

We are helpful, chill, and just wanna have fun playing WoW. Feel free to contact Meriia, Anrik, or Jhaedra with any questions. Check out our guild site at http://www.knightsofthenewdawn.com /. Please feel free to apply. We'd be happy to have you. . . . Also, KITTENS.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Awesome group of people! Well worth the look guys! -throws confetti-
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Still looking for new members. Contact one of the members above or check out the site if interested!
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