Hello Sisters of Elune and any other cross realm people who may be reading this. Some of you may or may not have seen me around on sisters but I am the friendly realm undead DK! To put this simply, I have been farming ICC 25 heroic for the past 2 months, in part to build my shadowmourne which is now completed, but mostly to try to get Invincible's Reins to drop. It is essentially my favorite mount in the entire game. I figure, what is more awesome than an undead DK, full Heroic T 10, shadowmourne, but I'm still missing something...Invincible!
Normally I just form through open raid, but I want to see how many people from my home server would be interested in going to a heroic ICC 25 speed clear every week, shards are now open roll. Invincible however is reserved BUT, I want to propose something to all who might be interested. What I propose because I really really want to get this mount, will be that if the mount does drop off of one of these speed runs, I will offer the top roller both:
-40K Gold
-Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger (or 1 other piece of shadowmourne loot including the Tabard, music box, Favor, negotiable)
-Locket not available
I am finished with my legendary. Shards, tokens, gear, BOEs, the ribbon, would be free roll. Ever want to start collecting shards but never wanted to really go through the trouble of making a group? Come to my run! I invite some of you to come finish your legendary!
Another idea would be to speed clear through on normal in like 30-40 min, then do Heroic LK only? It depends.
So if anyone thinks they may be interested in Heroic 25 man speed clears of ICC every week, feel free to send me an in game mail, message, or simply reply to the thread. This is just an idea that I have been tossing around.
EDIT 10/15/12: Thanks to all who came! Another very good run! I appreciate all of you who took a bit of time out of your leveling and gearing to come along! I am completed with my legendary now! More good news as well regarding shards. I have decided to make them free roll now as I am nearly done. I invite you to come finish your legendary axe too! Bring friends! Please explain loot rules to them please or direct them to this thread! No Invincible yet but we will see him soon I'm sure!!!Also please note that the locket is not available. The other 4 pieces are should you decide you want one of them over the charger.
Hope to see some of you on Saturday 8pm server, (9pm EST).
I also removed the list of people from the forum post. The list has become very extensive on the in game calendar.
Normally I just form through open raid, but I want to see how many people from my home server would be interested in going to a heroic ICC 25 speed clear every week, shards are now open roll. Invincible however is reserved BUT, I want to propose something to all who might be interested. What I propose because I really really want to get this mount, will be that if the mount does drop off of one of these speed runs, I will offer the top roller both:
-40K Gold
-Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger (or 1 other piece of shadowmourne loot including the Tabard, music box, Favor, negotiable)
-Locket not available
I am finished with my legendary. Shards, tokens, gear, BOEs, the ribbon, would be free roll. Ever want to start collecting shards but never wanted to really go through the trouble of making a group? Come to my run! I invite some of you to come finish your legendary!
Another idea would be to speed clear through on normal in like 30-40 min, then do Heroic LK only? It depends.
So if anyone thinks they may be interested in Heroic 25 man speed clears of ICC every week, feel free to send me an in game mail, message, or simply reply to the thread. This is just an idea that I have been tossing around.
EDIT 10/15/12: Thanks to all who came! Another very good run! I appreciate all of you who took a bit of time out of your leveling and gearing to come along! I am completed with my legendary now! More good news as well regarding shards. I have decided to make them free roll now as I am nearly done. I invite you to come finish your legendary axe too! Bring friends! Please explain loot rules to them please or direct them to this thread! No Invincible yet but we will see him soon I'm sure!!!Also please note that the locket is not available. The other 4 pieces are should you decide you want one of them over the charger.
Hope to see some of you on Saturday 8pm server, (9pm EST).
I also removed the list of people from the forum post. The list has become very extensive on the in game calendar.
Edited by Afanasi on 10/15/2012 6:31 AM PDT