ICC25H Sat 10/20/12, 8PM Server! Read me!

90 Undead Death Knight
Hello Sisters of Elune and any other cross realm people who may be reading this. Some of you may or may not have seen me around on sisters but I am the friendly realm undead DK! To put this simply, I have been farming ICC 25 heroic for the past 2 months, in part to build my shadowmourne which is now completed, but mostly to try to get Invincible's Reins to drop. It is essentially my favorite mount in the entire game. I figure, what is more awesome than an undead DK, full Heroic T 10, shadowmourne, but I'm still missing something...Invincible!

Normally I just form through open raid, but I want to see how many people from my home server would be interested in going to a heroic ICC 25 speed clear every week, shards are now open roll. Invincible however is reserved BUT, I want to propose something to all who might be interested. What I propose because I really really want to get this mount, will be that if the mount does drop off of one of these speed runs, I will offer the top roller both:

-40K Gold
-Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger (or 1 other piece of shadowmourne loot including the Tabard, music box, Favor, negotiable)
-Locket not available

I am finished with my legendary. Shards, tokens, gear, BOEs, the ribbon, would be free roll. Ever want to start collecting shards but never wanted to really go through the trouble of making a group? Come to my run! I invite some of you to come finish your legendary!

Another idea would be to speed clear through on normal in like 30-40 min, then do Heroic LK only? It depends.

So if anyone thinks they may be interested in Heroic 25 man speed clears of ICC every week, feel free to send me an in game mail, message, or simply reply to the thread. This is just an idea that I have been tossing around.

EDIT 10/15/12: Thanks to all who came! Another very good run! I appreciate all of you who took a bit of time out of your leveling and gearing to come along! I am completed with my legendary now! More good news as well regarding shards. I have decided to make them free roll now as I am nearly done. I invite you to come finish your legendary axe too! Bring friends! Please explain loot rules to them please or direct them to this thread! No Invincible yet but we will see him soon I'm sure!!!Also please note that the locket is not available. The other 4 pieces are should you decide you want one of them over the charger.

Hope to see some of you on Saturday 8pm server, (9pm EST).

I also removed the list of people from the forum post. The list has become very extensive on the in game calendar.
Edited by Afanasi on 10/15/2012 6:31 AM PDT
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90 Undead Warlock
!@#$ I am so down for this.

I'd be going on this toon for chunks of it, if you'd like (Given that he's a firelord and savior of azeroth, as well as being the Light of Dawn and %^-*, it's probably doable) and my DK for parts of it (for her infusion quests), I'd be more than down to go.

My fiancee also would like to attend, if that's possible to do. She's only level 81 and a DK, and is terrified that she's awful (she only came back last patch), so if we can carry her that'd be awesome, I'd love to get her a Light of Dawn.

...regardless, toss me an in game mail, and I'll toss my cell number or something- if you do this late nights and not on tuesday, thursday or sunday, I am more than glad to go, I can bring friends (or carries, which sucks, but hey, bodies!).

And !@#$, if I win the %^-*!@#ed mount I'd totally toss that $%^- to you just for the crimson charger. That's a good deal rarer than invincible, which is a recolored sparklepony and way more awesome. IMO. >_>
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90 Undead Rogue
im down kind sir
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Mastidrac-DPS BM Hunter would be interested in doing this.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Depending on the time, I would be happy to heal this run. I have heroic ICC experience on my main, but that was some time ago. What time do you propose for the run?

<3 V
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90 Undead Death Knight
Ok, I've updated the list and included a suggestion of a time for this event.
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
I'm up for this as I am still missing a few ICC 25 heroic acheivos.
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09/02/2012 09:13 PMPosted by Martahn
That's a good deal rarer than invincible

Lol'd, rarer than the increase to 80% dropchance on shards on heroic? Servers are down to 10k on charger. But than again sisters is behind on the times
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90 Undead Death Knight
Thanks for the interest so far guys! Make sure to ask your friends and have them read the thread of they are interested! I will start to set up the time as soon as we get some more people on board.


Also for those that may or may not have bothered to read the thread, you can have any piece of the loot or negotiate. This includes the tabard (haven't seen one of those for 10k, not yet at least), locket, music box, w/e. If we could keep the negatives out and please leave constructive criticism in it would be appreciated. If there are those that do not wish to participate, they do not have to.
Edited by Afanasi on 9/4/2012 9:26 AM PDT
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90 Tauren Paladin
i would be interested in helping, if i could do the infusions
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100 Troll Druid
Don't forget about me :) I can dps heal or tank
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90 Undead Death Knight
09/04/2012 10:19 AMPosted by Massin
i would be interested in helping, if i could do the infusions

I'm sure we can get your infusion in one of the weeks friend! Ask Zul and Rokgar! I was able to get them both set up to collect shards! I tried last week as well but the putricide infusion is bugged.
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100 Orc Death Knight
You know I'm down... but I call dibs on the next set of Shadowfrost shards after yours are done.. that is if you're still running for Invincible by then... but even so I'm sure I can convince you to keep running even after you get your shards and mount. I'll tank or rage dps... you know my drill.
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90 Undead Warlock
The time you picked sucks, I'm working until 8:00 server and likely won't be home until 9:00 server. jerk. ;_;
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90 Undead Death Knight
09/09/2012 06:45 AMPosted by Martahn
The time you picked sucks, I'm working until 8:00 server and likely won't be home until 9:00 server. jerk. ;_;

Aw dude, well, if your fiance would still like to come, I could probably get some stuff for her like an infusion or something? Just lemme know so I can invite her. Or she could come on your DK or something if you wanted.
Edited by Afanasi on 9/9/2012 9:16 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The time is too early for me as well. Maybe next time!

<3 V
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I could help DPS I guess. Would really rather not go into this with Invincible reserved but 40k also sounds nice. Not quite equal to the mount but eh. Quick note, would you be willing to help me get Invincible as well? In the future, of course.
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90 Undead Death Knight
Just to collect a little feedback, next week would you guys prefer a later time? Like for instance 9 server?
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I would be interested in coming as well. I would love to get the title.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
9 server could work for me; 10 would be even better. Hope to join in the fun next time!

<3 V
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