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100 Night Elf Druid
My time isn't expired yet..but WoW kicked me off 2 hours early and won't let me back on :c

It was nice seeing you all again!
I am looking forward to seeing you all when I come back in MoP ^-^

I'll miss you all :D
Including all the people who don't know me, I'll miss EVERYONE ^^

Love your friendly alliance druid,

(P.S. if I come back before MoP, it's because I convinced someone to do recruit a friend with me :3 or sold all the stuff I'm trying to sell at the moment for money until I get a job XD)
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90 Human Priest
It was a loggin issue... simply download the hot-fix-patch yo.

(Thousands of accounts were affected)

You will be able to log in.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Nope, I didn't get back on. Had some real life things to attend to. And now I had time from blizz to grab an item I accidentally sold while on my 7 day time..they gave me time to get it back and I did! ^-^ Now that time will be gone, again XD

Now I really am off, unless I can get this garage sale that my boyfriend wants to happen, happen XD

Bai for now, all~ <3
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