<Bloody Hell> is Recruiting!!

100 Human Priest
<Bloody Hell> (RP – Sisters of Elune CST)

Guild Make-Up: Bloody Hell is a guild for Fun loving players that raid on a casual schedule. We are a home for a family oriented group, with significant work, personal, and/or school commitment that make coming to this game and having fun their choice and always second to those of the former. Our members do their best to excel at the game, but cannot commit to the game as intensively as most raiding guilds may perform. We are close and tight-knit, and are no strangers to the SoE community or each other. Our members strive to be not just great players, but great people too. We are friendly, mature, laid back, and work together to get the job done. While we harbor some jokesters, disrespect is not tolerated to anyone in Bloody Hell. You need to be able to handle criticism in small amounts, and take it as advice to better not only your performance but the performance of the entire guild. While guild and raid chat may manifest itself in various ways, members are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable fashion when interacting outside of the guild. Having our guild tag means you represent us to the community at large. We are all here to enjoy this game, so be courteous to fellow players and treat them as you would have them treat you. We encourage everyone to make there characters as they chose as long as they don’t prove to hinder our progression as a whole and have fun doing so. And finally on this portion of the make up, we accept casuals, raiders, achievement hunters, vanity collectors and more.

What We're About: We enjoy spending time with each other doing dungeons of normal and heroic, collect vanity pets and mounts, hunt for transmogs and old world achievements, and sitting down for a good raid. We’re online all hours of the day and night unless we have real life jobs/school/ ect to attend to first and foremost. This is an incredible guild, packed with fun, many laughs, and experiences. This isn’t just a farming guild where you hardly get to know your guild mates and are expected to raid or dungeon in silence. We take the game seriously, but with a laid-back attitude, and everyone maintains a light-hearted attitude, even during progression. We don’t troll general chat or brag on the forums. Overall our members are mature and pleasant to be around. We're accepting of all kinds of people, not matter how good or bad they play. Even the few of us that have been around since Vanilla still find that we have things we need help learning and gaining knowledge of.

What We Hope To Achieve: Our goal for this upcoming expansion of MoP is to rebuild our roster to help support those who are looking to do most or all of what we stated above. Considering we have a majority of our veteran/core raiders from Burning Crusades, and our leadership is the same, we are confident in our ability to maintain a relatively high status rank on our server of SoE, while doing all of this. With the decline of guilds and the quality of some, we are searching for people looking a guild that is more based on the mature players, no drama ,enjoy playing with each other. Also active members willing to show up for guild raid time, but also to assist in farming and productivity within a guild.
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100 Human Priest
What Should You Expect from Us:
A. We have a Guild Master, but the guild leadership shares all responsibility, no one officer is above the other. While we try to be flexible with policies, there are some that remain firm. We have a no tolerance policy for Drama. We are adamant in our stance that if a player is causing issues that affect the guild, we assess the case as it comes to us as a whole, whether it be affection the entirety of the guild or just a single member. In which a vote is cast as a entire guild on the fate of the culprit, whether or not he/she is to stay or go or lose a rank. In this, we feel that no one person can be blamed for the exile of the culprit.

B. Don't be intimidated by guild level and achievements! Yes we are guild level 25 and yes we have raided in many of the area’s in past expansions. That should not deter you from becoming one of us. We do not expect you to be great, we expect you to perform the best you can in all the aspects of the game. Keep to your pace of play and enjoy it, but work as a team to help progress the name of which you bare. We care a lot more about the players that are joining and the sorts of members that inhabit our roster. We care more about whether or not your schedule meshes well with ours. And we care more about having fun than having a person stressing because they feel they are inadequate to raid or do dungeons with us.

C. Achievements is a big deal to all of us. Whether it be a Meta, Holiday, Profession, Pvp, or many more, we want to see you achieve them as well. We do have members who strive on a daily basis to complete these achievement and could use your help if you too are an “Achievement Hunter”. We also appreciate those who strive for Professional Achievements, for they usually provide their mats to the Guild banks and replenish our sources for raids and dungeons.

D. Class Focusing is not taking in a way you may think when termed in this guild. We don’t bring the class, we bring the player! We do not eliminate anyone because we have so many hunters or Deathknights, ect. Every person is welcome and as are their alternate toons! We don’t Class discriminate! (I play a Huntard too!!) We also do not spec discriminate, play your toon the way you wish to play!

E. Old world Raiding/ Transmogs/ Mounts/Pets! We all really love to do and gain all these things and would love to help our members get them as well. If we run into the issue that 2 members want the same piece of gear, we run it again in a separate run on alternate toons to best drop for both members. We feel that progressing and looking your best is all about the fun in the game and highly encourage it!.

F. Loyalty, we place a lot of emphasis on loyalty, but as working adults and students with lives, we value this such as jobs, families, and our personal time. We do not expect you or our current members to have 100% attendance, but we do encourage showing up for the guild events and meetings. The expectations we set for us is that our members fully invest in excelling in their class, professions, and roles they wish to use. We also expect out members to assist each other by providing their knowledge to those that may not know how to accomplish those stated above.

G. Loot is handled by the guild master and/or raid leaders. We believe that main specs comes first and foremost. We are also fair to those who offer their services to raid progression and filling in the group with their off specs to roll for main spec gear. All other loot is open for off-spec to roll or otherwise is disenchanted and placed in the bank for guild enchants.

E. Farming and Profession is something everyone of our members are expected to do. In order for us to continue to provide enchants for gear, Pots, Food, Scroll, ect. We encourage all of our members to put forth and effort into supplying the guild bank with mats to keep these items plentiful. We want to make sure we are prepared for any raid or dungeon.

G. Guild Mentoring is something we fully support and even provide as a guild. Many of us use the resources we are given and/or theory craft for ourselves to help those of our members who are uneducated in such tools. Professions/talents/ rotations and much more, are all things we are willing to cover when taking a new player to the game and guild under our wings.

H. Role-Playing is something we participate in, and encourage our members to do.
However, Role-playing within the guild will not be a mandatory requirement for membership within the guild.

If you feel that you fit well within our family, we would really love to hear from you within game and or at our Website. BloodyHell.guildlaunch.com
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100 Human Priest
Also others that you may contact about getting into our guild are Bladde, Victairies, and Keary if I am unavailible
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