A thanks to <Apples>

90 Blood Elf Paladin
I have messed around on 2-3 servers in Cata playing with friends on both factions. Usually in trade you see higher progression raid guilds selling kills, titles, mounts, etc.

<Apples> did the random draw (which I believe ends with Mists launch), and I believe got like 10-14ish people through Heroic DS.

So my hat is off to all of <Apples>, and best of luck in Mist!
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90 Troll Druid
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100 Tauren Shaman
Thank you for the kind words Valekk!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I honestly believe <Apples> is a class act, and I mean that with all sincerity. I've seen them take a lot of flak in trade and still manage to stay classy and stay on top.

Plus any guild that has Vahnya is awesome, in my opinion. :D
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Oh plz, Vahnya smells like cow!
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90 Undead Warlock
I think it was 13, but I could be incorrect. I'd have to check, and I'm the lazy.

Similar contests will be going on in Mists (probably related to five mans and such, though, until we've got a firmer grasp on the tier than we typically do going into an expansion), so keep checking back! http://applesguild.com/

(Pssst- might have a halloween contest coming up soon. Since this is the first I'm mentioning it, the other officers don't know any details, but there you go. Get transmog sets ready and arm your pumpkin carving knife. Also watch Stephen Lynch's video Halloween to get in the spirit.)
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