Herald of the Titans

90 Blood Elf Rogue
A few of the members of Tortured Fate are working on getting alts to 80 or getting gear towards a Herald of the Titans run. Please reply to this thread if this is something you would be interested. We do not currently have a full roster or date.

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85 Orc Death Knight
I would be interested, either as tank or dps, whatever you need. It depends entirely on the time. Drop me a note in-game. I am usually on Xuthal or Vendhya.

<3 WW
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Imp smells.

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90 Troll Druid
I think Open Raid is a great resource for things like this. If you're not adverse to grouping with potential, cross-server friends, you'll find a lot of help there! ^^
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
We will probably end up using openraid to help full the raid, but we'd love to have as many folks from SoE as possible. I know the server has plenty of people who like to get old achievements...
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100 Orc Warrior
Not to mention it takes a bit of focus to get this achievement. Locking XP at 80, gearing up - not over gearing. And even with the Battletags, not everyone wants random people befriended to an entire account.

And it'll be pretty damn fun.
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90 Troll Druid
I've actually found that there are a lot of amazing people off server. Through Open Raid I've had access to wonderful groups and players that are very low-drama, and I've made raiding contacts with lots of very serious and accomplished folks.

I totally understand if you want to do an SoE only group, but in the brave new world of cross realm raiding you are reinventing the wheel a little bit if you ignore OR. There are literally 20-30 Herald runs going on each week through the site. And who knows, you might even make some new friends!

However you go about doing this, good luck! It's a very neat achievement to go for! ^^
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Didn't know this achievement was still available, and due to our obsessive transmog runs, Belil and I probably have near-completed sets for this. We'd help.
Edited by Ellach on 9/24/2012 2:54 AM PDT
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