RP for Pandaren...

90 Pandaren Warrior
So, I have been contemplating for the past couple of weeks, whether or not I would make my main, Khazregur, a Pandaren. I have decided that I would, but I am running into a slight issue, the RP guild that I used to be with, has long since been disbanded. (Came back after about 6 months, it was a smallish guild anyway) I was just curious if there are any RP guilds that will allow Pandaren characters to be an active part of guild RP. Yes I know there is the guild search function in WoW now, but I also wanted to get a general feeling of how other serious RPers would greet a Pandaren RPer. I already have a name an a general RP story that will work around both the Horde and Alliance. A brief glimpse;

-(Name) has been stranded on Durotar, he is taken in and brought back to health, only to be rigorously interrogated by the Horde. A Tauren, who has no love for Garrosh or his ways helps said Pandaren to escape to the Night Elves. Though (name) has no love for the Horde, he does in fact like the Tauren. Long story short. He is sent to Pandaria to make contact with other Pandaren. He is around 120 years old... (since 80 is roughly considered adulthood) and Does not fully comprehend the purpose of why the Alliance fights against the horde or vice versa. Finds Humans and Worgen the easiest to relate to... etc etc.

So if anyone wants just respond here, I will be logging back on the 25th... ( a little and a lot on the 26th) Thank you all in advance for your input.

P.S. I've been around since WC III, so I know and kindly remember my favorite hero... the Pandaren Brewmaster.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Alliance side, I have characters in two RP-centric guilds:
Luna Accord http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/sisters-of-elune/Luna_Accord/, and
Crimson Masquerade http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/sisters-of-elune/Crimson_Masquerade/

Light to medium RP in both of these guilds. Luna Accord is more player-based, Crimson Masquerade has a bit more of a unifying theme (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4903441120). Good people in both places.There are other RP guilds active on Sisters of Elune, but speaking for the two I am part of, there would be no issue having a Pandaren in the group.

Heck, after the atrocities the Horde committed in Theramore, any Alliance group would welcome a new brother in arms, regardless of their origin.

When you join us in game, subscribe to the /rpchatter channel to see who else is actively role-playing at the moment.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I am already a member of /rpchatter, I am on here primarily because I wont be near a computer that has WoW installed on it until the 25th/26th. But I will definately take a look at Luna Accord, thank you very much for your input!
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66 Blood Elf Death Knight
09/19/2012 01:42 PMPosted by Farfallen
after the atrocities the Horde committed in Theramore

You say atrocities we say !@#$s and giggles.
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100 Orc Warrior
10/07/2012 07:08 AMPosted by Grimms
after the atrocities the Horde committed in Theramore

You say atrocities we say !@#$s and giggles.

Ah, Theramore. Good times. Blackhowl remembers that fondly what with all the murder, mayhem, and pillaging. Oh, and the bomb.

Spoiler Alert

The Alliance loses. Again. It's like the entire expansion of Cataclysm rolled into one scenario. Horde wins. Oh, the Alliance strikes back but way too weak and way too late.


Blackhowl's getting all misty-eyed.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I've really been enjoying interacting with and RPing with the Pandaren I've encountered. Perhaps it's simply that their characters are often entering Stormwind for the first time, but it's been fun to 'introduce' them to the city. I hope to interact with them more often!
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