Looking for old friends

90 Blood Elf Priest
Anyone know the whereabouts of Fenarian - was a human paladin here on SOE? Or troll hunter Hujin? Was discussing the old "Finding a Home" RP thread that a bunch of us did way back in BC (I was still playing my human priest Camelot back then!) and got to wondering where some of those players went.

Would love to be able to reconnect with them. Ydur, too, but I'm sure he covered his tracks quite thoroughly when he left SOE.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Also, Bukki. I miss Bukki. I hope the gypsies didn't get him. :(
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Bukki showed up once during Wrath, but I don't think he's made a return since -- he pretty much quit the game. I still have sads about it. Bukki was the bomb. Not sure what happened to Fen or Hujin though.
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