Cry of Luna Vent Party and Giveaway!

90 Troll Druid
--- No Drama & Mean People Not Invited! ---

Cry of Luna has decided to ring in the new expansion with a Vent party!

What is it?

Someone said, "We should all hang out in vent together on launch night," and it turned into, "Why don't we pack our vent server with cool people on launch night" We are inviting guild members and friends to join us on CoL's 25 man vent server (courtesy of Rackz).

When is it?

Mon night, at 10:00 PM PST we'll pass out vent info to interested parties. Two hours later, the expansion will activate, and we'll all head to Panda Land together! The official party will last until Tues night at 4:00 AM PST, and then it will pick up again on Tues evening at 8:00 PM PST and run through that night, until Wed at 4 AM PST.

Prizes! Prizes! What Can You Win?

We're going to be giving away prizes all throughout the party. So far, we have fortune cookies and pets (of all shapes and sizes)! We currently have a budget of 15k gold set aside for fun little prizes, and everyone (in and out of guild) is welcome to roll for these treats!

Some prizes will be /rolls on the honor system (you roll and send me your results in whispers), while plenty of others will be rewards for correctly answering trivia questions. These questions will range in difficulty from easy to obscure (and yes you can use Wiki or google to find answers)!

Trivia Questions?

Yup! Trivia questions. You can even help build up the pool of questions by sending me your questions (and answers) via whispers! You aren't allowed to answer your own questions though!

Anything Special for Guildies?

We are giving away a Vial of the Sands to one lucky guild member. We're not going to restrict who can win it, but we do have a few requirements to help make sure that it goes to a real, actual guild member.

1. Log on and play for at least 1h30m; don't just hop in and afk! We want to know that you're actually experiencing the expansion with us!

2. Join us in Vent while you're playing! Because, it's like, a vent party!

3. Before you log off, tell us what you experienced and log your /roll for the mount. We'll alt over, invite you to a group in Org, and ask you to /roll for us. All the rolls will be tallied and the winner will be announced late Tues night (or Wed morning).

Important: If you already have this mount (Ley and I do), then please don't roll on it. We'd like to get a screenshot of our winner on their new mount!

Can New Guild Members Roll For the Vial?

We really, really aren't trying to buy new guild members. If you join, just to get a free mount, and then you drop guild shortly after; if you win and then never play that character again, it's going to be cheesy and in bad form. We are a small, awesome guild and we love it that way. This prize cost a fair chunk of our modest GB monies, so please, unless you really do want to be involved with CoL on active level, please pass on the /roll.

With that said, we want all guildies to feel like they have a shot at this really cool contest (and we'll be doing more of them in the future), so yes, all guild members (new and old) are eligible to roll for this mount.

Please be cool and don't abuse the spirit of this giveaway.

Is everyone invited?

Realistically, we only have 25 spots (I think) in vent, so we can't invite the whole server. We are definitely inviting guildies (current and new), and friends of guildies also get preference.

As long as we have a bunch of open space, we will be happy to include anyone on or off server (but you have to be on SoE, even on a level 1 alt, to claim your prizes). Feel free to whisper Faeylin or Leyota on Sisters of Elune to see about getting in. Some space will be reserved for guildies; the rest is offered on a first come, first served basis.

Who are these Cry of Luna people anyway?

We have a whole thread just to answer that question. Feel free to check us out here:

Anyone special to thank?

A big thank you to Stag for being the inspiration for this party, and to Divalia for contributing some TGC loot card codes and lots of ideas and time to the event!
Edited by Faeylin on 9/23/2012 1:05 AM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
Divalia rocks! Love her lots, guys! She has filled up a guild bank tab with awesome little prizes and giveaways. The bank purchased most of the pets and mounts and stuff, but she acquired some TGC loot codes to give away all on her lonesome. She's really gotten into this, and I'm extra excited because of it!
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90 Troll Druid
Less than six hours to go til launch. We'll be grouping up in vent at 10 PM PST. I'll be on Fae. Just message me if you'd like login info!
Edited by Faeylin on 9/24/2012 6:34 PM PDT
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I am very excited for this! Super happy to be able to help, and the TCG cards shipped today, so we should be able to distribute the winning codes next week. Currently waiting for Rainbowsmite to finish transferring.
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86 Blood Elf Priest
^^ That was me!
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90 Troll Druid
Haha. Div is a treasure. Our vent party was pretty fun and active. We had like 15 people on at the busiest, and 10 on for most of the night. We're doing it again this evening, from 7ish PST til about 3 AM in the morning (or whenever we all fall asleep). Lots of prizes in store for everyone!
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90 Troll Druid
Thanks to everyone who got involved in this. We had a lot of folks come and go, and we met plenty of people and had a really great time.

Anna was the winner of the Vial of the Sands, with a roll of 89!

Vent was a little bit more quiet on Wed night. Everyone was sleepy sounding, so we decided to skip the trivia. All those extra prizes went to guildies (old and new) who'd logged in since Monday night. Most people got 1-3 pets/bags and hopefully I didn't miss anyone.

Have a great MoP everyone!

/leaves thread
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