<S C A R S> is recruiting

100 Troll Druid
S C A R S is now recruiting for Mists of Pandaria. :D

S C A R S is a new level 25 guild on Sisters of Elune.We are trying to promote an environment in which all players feel welcome, and can enjoy playing the game as much as we do. We are looking for players of all levels, and classes to help strengthen the guild. We are also looking for one, possibly two players, of any role/class to fill our main raiding team for Mists of Pandaria.

S C A R S' main raiding team clears DS every week(with some heroics), and tried hard to get a heroic Madness of Deathwing kill before MoP arrived. Unfortunately, we did not get the kill, but S C A R S finished admirably at 5/8H. Our raid team consists of members whose experience ranges from 5/8H to 8/8H. However, we regularly bring in people with little to no experience in DS to help get them achievements/gear. S C A R S accepts all who want to raid regardless of experience/gear, but a raiding spot can not be guaranteed initially. We are trying our best to help get everyone a raiding spot,and our main raiding team will always pull from inside the guild any time it needs substitutes. Our current raid team's progression raid times are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6:00-8:00 PM PST. However, we often run older raids throughout the week for transmog gear, and mounts. Once mists of Pandaria is released we will be using raid times to run multiple 5 man groups through heroic dungeons in order to get everyone geared up.

S C A R S uses Ventrilo for raiding, and we have our own vent server. Ventrilo will be used for all callouts in raids, so it is required, but a microphone is not required. Members are also free to use the Vent server for purposes other than raid. Many members use the Vent just to hang out, and have fun.

We have a guild bank with many mats. We will provide gems, and enchants for raiders free of charge; but do ask that members try to contribute mats to the guild bank to help other guild members. We also provide a fairly good amount for daily guild repairs.

If interested in joining contact Zultani, or Trazule in game for an invite. Or respond to this post :D

P.S. we also accept alts :D
Edited by Zultani on 9/24/2012 2:17 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Yes, join us :) We have cookies
Edited by Shandii on 9/24/2012 8:24 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
and candy :)
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90 Troll Druid
I had the opportunity to raid with Shandii at least, and I found them to be low-drama, capable and nice. If they're any indication of what the rest of this guild is like, they seem like really nice people! ^^
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Zultani is Moonkin-Scum (no matter how much i love the player)
Faeylin is also Moonkin-Scum (though i love her too)..

So of course they stick together, furthering the aim of all druids to bring about the reign of the Lazor-Chicken Owl Overlords fortold to happen at midnight december 12th 2012.

I love S C A R S (though they are pawns in the Moonkin bid for power)
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100 Troll Druid
Zultani is Moonkin-Scum (no matter how much i love the player)
Faeylin is also Moonkin-Scum (though i love her too)..

So of course they stick together, furthering the aim of all druids to bring about the reign of the Lazor-Chicken Owl Overlords fortold to happen at midnight december 12th 2012.

I love S C A R S (though they are pawns in the Moonkin bid for power)

How did you know?!?!?!?!?
Edited by Zultani on 9/24/2012 3:30 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
09/24/2012 12:57 PMPosted by Faeylin
I had the opportunity to raid with Shandii at least, and I found them to be low-drama, capable and nice. If they're any indication of what the rest of this guild is like, they seem like really nice people! ^^

I really enjoyed raiding with you too :D
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100 Troll Druid
If anyone wants to join us just whisper Zultani, or Trazule. :D We are really looking forward to potential new members!
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85 Troll Druid
Teardrop knows too much friends.
She must be rooted and silenced- with a solar beam.
Then taken to the Lumber Mill and Typhooned off the cliff.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
I haven't been a member of "s c a r s" for very long, but I have known the other members for quite some time now, and my opinion of them is nothing if not positive.

They are a fun, low-drama group of people; they are always there with a kind word or the offer of help, and without any of the b.s or negativity that sometimes plagues other guilds.

And while there is a thriving, and supportive social element within the guild, these positive social elements do not come at the expense of progression. As was previously mentioned, many of the members have Heroic raiding experience, and a passion for raiding. Also unique to this guild: the members genuinely care about going forward together- and do not neglect guildies who show an interest in raiding.


Scars is a fun guild full of great players, with many different elements to appeal to a variety of players tastes (included but not limited to raiding, etc) ; and I strongly urge anyone considering this guild to please whisper Trazule or Zultani with inquiries!

ps: death to Lazor-Chicken Owl Overlords.
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91 Blood Elf Priest
There will be no such uprising so long as I am around, muuahahaha!

In all seriousness though- " s c a r s ": new friends wanted!
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100 Troll Druid
If anyone is interested we are still looking for new members to hang out with us :D. Please whisper me, or any other member in game if you have any questions.
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90 Undead Priest
We also have pigeons, though they are merely rats with wings.
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100 Human Priest
I have to say I have alot of respect for this guild and their members. time and time again throughout the first week of leveling and doing dailies, members of this guild have went out of their way to help my wife and I when we were in serious trouble from elite mobs or accidently pulling too many mobs. I highly encourage anyone whom is looking for generally great players and friendly people to both sides of the realm, this guild is the place for you. From <Bloody Hell> to S C A R S we salute you!
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