Tortured Fate, MOP 10 [wo]mans, and you!

100 Orc Warrior
After a strong finish in Cata (8/8H, #2 guild on server, #1 for 10s), Tortured Fate has sadly seen some quality players stepping back. But this means we have shoes to fill! We are currently seeking players interested in casual progression raiding. By casual progression, I mean we have fun, but know our classes well, work well as a team, and from first pull to last kill/wipe, we delude ourselves into believing we know what we're doing.
We all want to have fun, however there's no point in pulling a boss if you don't intend to kill it!

We mainly are looking for ranged dps and healers, but that doesn't mean tanks and melee will be left out to dry as we will be running a second group to gear up standbys and alts (mains get priority)

We raid Wed & Sun 7pm to 10pm server.
We use Mumble ( for voice chat

Apply at our website:

Inquiries can be made to myself (Káhn, copy&paste or alt-0225 for the á), Amura, Arizhya, or Mametsuki, or just /who Tortured Fate and say hello to any random member online.

A brief rundown of expectations for raiders:
Be level 90
Don't stand in stuff that will kill you.
Register on our forums.
Know your class/role
Know how to google a boss fight
Don't stand in stuff that will kill you.
DPS know what your hit cap is.
Know what consumables are optimal for you, as it's still a bit early for us to guarantee that they'll be provided, but we can help make them (preferably before first pull of the night)
Don't stand in stuff that will kill you.
Leave your drama outside the raid instance.
Deal with me as your Raid Leader.

Remember to spay or neuter your Pandas and Worgen!
Edited by Káhn on 9/28/2012 10:57 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
We also welcome casual players, offering general guild stuffs (perks, GB, repairs, /g chat, <Tortured Fate> under your name, a spiffy tabbard), people to socialize, run heroics, quest with, group LFR queues... all that jazz.
So even if you're not focused on getting right into raids, feel free to ignore the forum link for now and just talk to any of the aforementioned individuals, or anyone in guild.
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