90 Pandaren Warrior
Sony Online Entertainment... Bane of my existence...

Anyway, I am still looking for a light - Heavy RP guild for my main character... (only one I play anymore...) So If anyone has a good one, not one limited to a small place btw... (As in no ship RPs... or any kind of house RP... I got enough of that in STO) SO just respond, I will keep checking to see any responses...

Thanks... btw my RP history and Raiding history
5 years of RP with Both Alliance (human) and Horde (Tauren)
6 Months of RP STO as a Commander.
2 Years of EQ RP and Raiding... *smacks head as he remembers grinding for his magician's epic...*
1 Week of RP in Rift

Raid Tank EXP in MC as warrior, in BC, WOTLK, and SOME of Cata.

...May the mist clear before you...

Edited by Taozeng on 9/25/2012 3:14 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I can tell you that <Greed> is happily accepting role players and people who enjoy PvE alike! The guild has no real unified story line, myself and my officers are veteran role players that have been RPing for years now and most of us since before we even started playing WoW back in vanilla. We're active, we have regular guild events, RP and PvE wise, vent, and a forum page.

You can go there to apply if you like or just send me a tell or mail in game. Hope you find what you're looking for! Happy WoWing!

::EDIT:: Just're Alliance! Silly me I haven't gotten use to the fact that pandas can be both. We have a sister guild on Alliance called Need! Again, let me know if you're interested!
Edited by Nyksis on 9/25/2012 10:38 PM PDT
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