Minimum ilvl for MoP LFR?


100 Blood Elf Paladin
The title says it all. Can anyone confirm the minimum ilvl required to queue in LFR for the first available raid in MoP (Mogu'shan Vaults)? Heroics, I know, require 440.

Thanks in advance!

<3 V
Edited by Vendhya on 9/30/2012 10:25 AM PDT
90 Pandaren Monk
I thought i heard someone say 463.

And that's what my Raid Finder interface says. Just click Ctrl I and then push the drop down menu.
Edited by Kuruptionz on 9/30/2012 2:56 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kuruptionz, you look so ... stout. I guess that I'm just used to your skinny troll persona. Thanks for the info!

<3 V
90 Pandaren Monk
Yeah it's a weird change.
1 Human Warrior
463 is full heroic. My guess is it will be 460 for a nice even and easily reached number.
90 Human Warrior
it is 463, but for some reason it says i do not meet the requirements to queue in. before that it said my ilvl was not high enough. i guess theres something to be done before you can actually queue into lfr
90 Pandaren Monk
10/03/2012 07:18 PMPosted by Shívz
i guess theres something to be done before you can actually queue into lfr

It doesn't open until the 9th of October.
100 Orc Warrior
463, there is some VP gear that is available at honored (489) a lot of world boss kills that can yield a quest reward ring (476) to to mention other possible drops. Blues suggest that the 489s will balance out the 450s to help reach that 463 LFR requirement.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
On a related note, the minimum ilvl for heroics has been dropped from 440 to 435. That will make it much easier to enter heroics upon hitting 90 (for us slow pokes).

<3 V
90 Night Elf Hunter
its not open till tommorow
90 Human Warrior
460 for


Just highlight the LFR Choices and it shows you
90 Human Paladin
its still not available on Lightbringer :(

Cross posted from blizz

Raid Finder will unlock bosses in Mogu’shan Vaults and Heart of Fear over time, and all Mogu’shan Vaults bosses will be unlocked and available Tuesday, October 16. To access the new Raid Finder dungeons, you will need a minimum item level (ilevel) requirement of 463.
90 Human Paladin
are you serious?
90 Pandaren Monk

Cross posted from blizz

Raid Finder will unlock bosses in Mogu’shan Vaults and Heart of Fear over time, and all Mogu’shan Vaults bosses will be unlocked and available Tuesday, October 16. To access the new Raid Finder dungeons, you will need a minimum item level (ilevel) requirement of 463.

It says ALL the bosses. So today, you'll get the first 3, next week you'll get the next 3.
Edited by Kuruptionz on 10/9/2012 9:27 AM PDT
100 Gnome Warlock
Any clue what time LFR is supposed to go live in the US?
90 Night Elf Druid
Yea still doesn't work here even with 464 ilvl
90 Pandaren Monk
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