Pet Battles!

90 Pandaren Monk
Since pokemon threads seem to be the rage, yo.

Before trying Pet Battle System: "Hm, might be something to do when I'm bored."

After: "ERMAHGERD! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL!" *also proceeds to think up themed pet teams*

EDIT: For the "also looking for guild" part tacked on: guild found, yay!
Edited by Sunjui on 9/30/2012 4:18 PM PDT
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85 Troll Rogue
Love the idea , Fun to play , hate the mechanics ! The "Revive Battle Pets " button just makes me stand around with my thumb up my ... waiting for the timer to click down when im out leveling and hunting for new pets in the wild , there's no source i've found for buying the Bandages either !
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90 Pandaren Shaman
Love the idea , Fun to play , hate the mechanics ! The "Revive Battle Pets " button just makes me stand around with my thumb up my ...

Yeah, once my pets get beat down enough I usually switch to another team if my Revive Battle Pets is on cooldown. Personally, I actually like the mechanic and I think it will become easier once you can do your dailies and get more bandages that way (I think?)

8 minutes isn't too bad unless you're first starting or always want to use the same 3 battle pets, then I understand your pain. I always want to use my Spectral Tiger but just because it's rare doesn't mean it won't ever die.

Revive Pets does revive every pet in your log - up to 500 pets, food for thought.
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90 Pandaren Monk
I've come to the point where I have to have multiple teams. My poor Festival Lantern doesn't hold up well anymore. More importantly though, I have to remember to pull myself away from training/catching pets so I can get some actual leveling done. XD
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66 Blood Elf Death Knight
Not going to be trying this until I am bored with the current content. But I've heard a lot more positive feedback than negative about the whole thing.
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I'm not going to try this for a while because I know it'll distract me from doing stuff I should be doing like leveling.
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45 Tauren Paladin
Yeah, pet battles are pretty much the only thing I've done so far. I got three up to 85 so I could catch more pets as I leveled, but I haven't gotten very far in the leveling process.

It was all like, "Whoa, we crash landed here! Go blow up the alliance base!" And I was like, "Yeah... I will totally help you out with that... but I saw this frog over there..." An hour later I was like, "Wait, what was it you wanted me to do? Steal food from the alliance or something? I *am* kind of hungry."
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66 Blood Elf Death Knight
I saw a jumping spider while I was swimming around lost the other day. Are those all over the place? I /loved it just in case they weren't.
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45 Tauren Paladin
Why would you /love it when you can capture it and force it to die in battle for you?
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100 Orc Warrior
10/07/2012 10:24 AMPosted by Remnit
Why would you /love it when you can capture it and force it to die in battle for you?

Sounds like how children should be raised.
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66 Blood Elf Death Knight
10/07/2012 09:10 PMPosted by Blackhowl
Sounds like how children should be raised.

Never raise a hand to your children - it leaves your midsection unprotected
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78 Blood Elf Warlock
the revive/heal button isn't working for some reason. it was, used it 3 times in about 3 hours, now it's not healing any of my battle pets. any ideas or is it maybe time for a ticket?
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