Citizens of Sisters of Elune...

1 Human Hunter
Could you tell me a little bit about your server? How populated is it? Is there an active RP community? Are there many active guilds? I'm interested in both Alliance and Horde perspectives. I'm looking for the right server to transfer to and this one is on my short list...a low-medium population RP server (with actual RP activity) is generally what I'm looking for.

I've been on a PVP server for all of my years of playing and I'm tired of the ganking and the horrible community. I need a new home!
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I'm probably not the huge know-it-all about the state of the server that I was in the days of TBC and WotLK, but I know that RP can be found on both sides if you look hard enough. Sometimes you don't even have to look hard at all. Sure, it's harder than say, Moon Guard, to just get some random walk-up RP, but we've definitely got a wonderful RPing community here. Heck, this is where I got my start in World of Warcraft RP. Great server. And mostly wonderful people.

I'mma tell ya bro. Alliance or Horde, you'll love it here.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Hi Riveting,

Not sure if you have already selected a server but I can tell you a bit about Sisters of Elune from the Alliance side. SOL is a medium population server with many active guilds of all types (raiding, PVP, social, RP, etc.). I have been on this server for just over two years and have found it to be a very friendly, helpful and social server. If you are looking for a server with a very active raiding community, this would not be the server for you, however, there are a couple of hard-core raiding guilds on both the horde and alliance side. There just isn't a depth of raiders that you would find on some servers.

Hope you find a nice home.
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71 Human Priest
You can find RP here if you look, and sometimes even if you don't. I mean I was just in Loch Modan and a couple of Pandaren sisters flew up via flight master rping and I joined in no problem and I certainly wasn't actively ooking at the time. If you do come over I'm looking into the possibility of getting together a heavy rp guild but if you prefer a more casual style there are quite a few decent guilds that I've seen who support it as well.
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