Rolling restart or game killer?

90 Undead Priest
Gotta love it how can you do something as simple as restarting a server and kill the game? Or am I the only one that can't log in? Called Blizzard and of course the hold que is full telling me that I'm not the only one. I'm having flashbacks of the BC 3MB patch that killed the game for 3 days.
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90 Tauren Warrior
10/07/2012 11:03 AMPosted by Pigeonprayer
I'm having flashbacks of the BC 3MB patch that killed the game for 3 days.

LOL! I remember that one.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
You aren't the only one, a guildie of mine is having the exact same issue only she can't get to the forums either.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I can't log in, either. There goes my plan to spend the afternoon cutting my way through the Dread Wastes with my questing buddy. :(
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Not much is known other than they're aware about it and it's certainly not just you.

I can imagine the vast amount of people attempting to log in are not making it any easier on the server either.

Not like I haven't tried logging in repeatedly >,>
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90 Night Elf Druid
I hope they resolve this soon, I was looking forward to playing this afternoon. I guess I will now be forced to clean the house...sigh.

Does anyone know if anyone can get into the game or is it intermittent?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
10/07/2012 12:05 PMPosted by Bellarosa
Does anyone know if anyone can get into the game or is it intermittent?

From what I'm seeing on the TS and CS boards, unless you're currently in game, you're locked out.

Trying to see if any blue has posted a time frame but I'm not finding anything =\

Edit: Oh! They said updates within an hour, with that hour being just a few minutes away.
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"Allegría, come un lampo di vita. Allegría~"
Edited by Kalico on 10/7/2012 12:12 PM PDT
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