LF 2s partner

90 Undead Priest
First off, not looking for uber pro for rating. That's why I'm lf 2s. I don't pve much at all I simply don't have the time anymore. In cata when I logged it was just to arena. I did about 200 games a week with a friend , she had multiple toons and I capped all of em. So if there's someone who has several dps toons hit me up. I have 2k xp (mind you it was in BC with a lock and in B C locks life drained to 2k) . I'm relatively new to this server hence the post for this. I just hit 90 do the gears not full pvp but for conq cap I've healed some pretty low geared toons in arenas. Anyone interested hit me up in game.
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90 Human Mage
Please post on the warlock the 2k achivement was on. Also if you got the 2k achivement it should now be account bound.
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90 Undead Priest
A) It was from an account I no longer have.
B) It was a lock...in BC they were very much the DKs of cata, anyone with one got 2k just for entering.
C) I thought I made it clear I do it for fun not rating.
D) The achievement system wasn't started till WotLK if memory serves me.

I do appreciate the response shows me some on this server do use the forums, I wasn't sure. But if you're looking to get to 2k I'm sure I'd be a bad choice. There's a reason I'm looking for 2s, I don't want someone getting bent because I used PS to soon or accidentally sent my SF after their polyed target. I also have an ever changing schedule, so I'm not looking for seriousness just a fix for my one vice I kept that won't kill me.
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90 Human Mage
Fair enough, once you fill like you have got back into the game, and feel like you can compette at a higher level hit me up.
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90 Orc Mage
maybe in the future ill roll with you if your still looking then, i too am a casual pvp'er with many toons (10 85s of every class, trying to get them to 90 lol)

in cata i use to love to try and cap them all, i almost had full catalysmic gear on every toon... was short two on two characters

i may try again at 90 when i get there with this toon or my warrior on this server, so if your still looking to roll with someone who is not really serious about rating look me up =P

but mind you i try and not get to focus on one toon or to achieve a high rating, it gets too stressful and usually you see the worst in people when they compete at that level, i was 2000k rating in wotlk and man lol did me and my partner/freind get into arguments then.. silly ones too
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Absolutely, pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. Hit me up when you get there.
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