RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

And don't make it a 1 on 1 RP.

I would like to see people not having every single RP be one on one based.

I see a journal page directing me to a Google document. How many actually players were involved in that RP session? is this not a one on one?

I see an 11 page journal posting, how many players were involved in that?

One on One is what I can find, it's what I will go with.

Except each time you get an opportunity for a multi-person RP you run away. Funny how that works...

Too bad you, as one of the people posting issues here, couldn't actually be on to discuss those issues. Makes me wonder.
Edited by Ashoc on 6/13/2013 2:17 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Yeah, RL work has a tendency to keep me from playing while at work. Sorry.

And those few times I have been to multi-person, I felt like I was not wanted or given to feel that way.
Edited by Cyaer on 6/14/2013 12:18 PM PDT
Yeah, RL work has a tendency to keep from playing while at work. Sorry.

And those few times I have been to multi-person, I felt like I was not wanted or given to feel that way.

This discussion will be continued in-game. I won't pollute the forums with it.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
All right, enough with the OOC drama. I am not going to continue it. I apologise to whoever takes offense to my ranting. I am sorry for causing concerns. I am willing to rp with anyone at any time.

If you see me in game you need only ask. I have multiple characters so I am not limiting my rp with anyone.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
In-game, fine. And please, I don't want or need this to go though others. I would just as soon discuss it with you. No one else need be involved.
90 Draenei Monk
I like bananas.

I also wish that my xmog gear would drop so I don't have 40 pieces of 80 different sets (AKA I feel like I'm in Outland all over again. Damn it BC!).
Edited by Shadê on 6/14/2013 12:50 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
First post on the IC thread. And its Carinoth. *joyus screech*

Carinoth: *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB0Uiq4NTs0* There I did it, can I go to bed now?

Me: Not until you feel more AAAAAANNNNNNGGGGSSSSSTTTTT!!!!!!

Carinoth: *psychic screams me away then falls onto bed*
Okay so guys I know its been awhile since we did anything for the RP arc. But I've been working on stuff and thinking things up! Now that I have this is a volunteer type basis thing! You can choose to join in both or one part of this section of the arc.

I'd highly recommend doing both but I will have a post going up shortly.
90 Human Warrior
This is really cool. I'd be interested in doing something like this, though it'd be after I finish leveling my Rogue. :)
90 Draenei Monk
The more the merrier, my friend!
90 Draenei Monk
I just died.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Oh dear I am shivering in my soft leather boots! Ashoc, may I use a few of my LO brothers and sisters to foil Tychus attempts to find her? They will be npcs, staff assigned to Jazzy to train. I thought of this last night after I quit working on my Google docs. Yes they can be killed, but they are also experts, chosen by the LO for their crafty cunning and deadly skills. They will be with her and used as scouts. All Kaldorei, two are druids, and two are rogues.

Also keep in mind, Jazzy has some built in safeguards by means of her tabard and the tattoo she received from LO. Not unkillable, but very difficult to track and find.

May I post in the Journal since she has been mentioned as part of Tychus story?

I loved your music selection!!
Sadly no Darius isn't after her to cause her harm, also she won't know that it is Darius or an agent of Tychus. He is merely going to direct her on her hunt for Dalen, as an interested good samaritan as it were.

90 Night Elf Rogue
Interesting. All right, pardon me for being a bit paranoid. You have a way of scaring the bejeezus out of me!!

Oh I found some pretty music I have been using it to farm by, very soothing and magical.

Edited by Jaszmin on 6/18/2013 2:30 PM PDT
92 Worgen Rogue
Just curious(this is Arricar on his alt), how hard is it to RP and level at the same time without dying, and by hard, I mean how time consuming is it?
90 Draenei Monk
To be honest, that depends entirely on you, how you RP, how you play the game, and what class you pick. Some classes are better than others at getting out of trouble when trouble strikes. Others aren't so lucky. Of the two (three) people to hit max level without dying, two of them have been Paladins (Myself on An'giel and Kel'tira on her paladin), and a monk (who was never in the guild so I don't think that counts towards the guild challenge anymore than anyone else who tries it outside of RSF but who knows).

I don't think I ever died leveling this one, but I leveled in BoAs and mostly through instances, so that doesn't count. I think it took me 2 or 3 months to hit max level due to stopping to RP so much, but that was back when 85 was the highest you could get. I could have hit it faster, and I could have easily hit it first (At one point I did pass Kel, hehe), but I wanted to enjoy the scenery along the way and I had a wonderful RP friend at the time.

I'm sure you can do it in under a month without BoAs. The fastest I ever hit 85 was 2 weeks without them back in the same time era, game wise. But I'm pretty sure I died a couple of times and that was on a different server. The 85-90 content was nerfed so hard you can hit it in 2 or 3 days easily without making it feel like a total grind. Just remember to stop and smell the roses and write a journal entry or two for your character. And hit us up at the meetings!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Even though I was one of the people who originally came up with the idea (Karavaelia), I never made it past 23 without dying. The original rules and concept were tweaked many times since we started this.


However, the challenge is just that, a challenge to level to cap and rp along the way. That means it is important to have friends and support along the way. That was my original intention anyway. You are encouraged to get a partner, whether it is making a friend along the way or bringing someone you already know into the Fellowship.

That said, the Fellowship has become intensely rp driven. You do not need to do the challenge to be in the guild. But, you are expected to participate in rp. This is not a raiding guild, though some of us raid. This is not a progression guild, because there is just not enough support on CC to get it done. Our numbers are fewer than needed to do any of that. Of course this can change, according to what the leaders want to do.
90 Draenei Monk
The leaders only want what the true purpose of any RP guild is. To make friends and have fun!

(lol, ding, 12700 achieve points... I'm in such a weird mood today)
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Oooh things seem to be getting intense.

I'm in for joining in on the arc if you want me!
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