90 Human Priest
Rated Battle Ground (RBG)

The guild Zen finished out the last expansion (Cataclysm) ranked as the top PvP guild on the Sisters of Elune realm by WoWprogress.com. While SoE is not particularly known as a PvP realm, there are plenty of players here that do enjoy the PvP experience and content. Zen supports this segment of game play.

We are currently building our RBG teams for this new expansion. Zen is proud to sponsor some of SoE’s best PvP players and we welcome YOU to come and join that team.

Regardless of experience level or gear level, we provide a positive environment in which to progress your game in the PvP sector. All interested players are welcome to join and participate in our guild events.

For more information or an invitation to the guild Zen, please seek out these players in-game: Penelopae, Sageoffear, Onlyhuman, Frostbitë, Santhon, Rampard, Biggestbear, Leoshi, Morobir, Azinoz, Madness, Mashalia or Any guild member that you can /who up… 24/7/365.

P.S. – Other Alliance or even Horde guilds that wish to collaborate on large-scale PvP events are welcome to contact Penelopae in-game to arrange an event. I will provide my real-life email address for detailed discussions, or chat briefly in-game to discuss any and all suggested events or collaborative raids.

Thank You,
- Penelopae, Zen Leader
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90 Human Priest
Historically, many players across both factions have been unable to reap the considerable rewards of PvP combat in rated battlegrounds. Some of these players might have been previously discouraged by the frustrations and lack of community inherent to random solo queues. Others still might have been afraid to jump in to a side of the game they had yet to experience. Most simply feel as though rated battlegrounds are so exclusive they haven't the slightest idea of where to begin.

Zen is here to solve those problems. Presenting a proven track record in the fields of PVP education and battle itself, we are here to dispel any illusions inhibiting you from getting the most out of your game experience.

If you are new to PVP, we will train you. If you are afraid to fail, we will support you. If you are ready to take a risk and charge into battle alongside our Alliance's best ranked unit of organized combat professionals, we will welcome you.

Conquest and prestige await you - and all you have to do is take our hand.

Our team is waiting for you!
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90 Human Priest
Well said Raynebodash. You convey an accurate assessment of our guild philosophy for both PvP and for Raid content.

By the way, Raynebodash, congrats on being the sole Alliance player to earn a Realm-First Level 90 for your class! /Salute!

One small victory at a time, the Zen program is creeping up on the Horde domination of this realm. One Realm-first, one BG, one Raid boss at a time... For the Alliance!

For Zen!

Come join our team, come see what Zen is truly all about.

We're here for the Alliance, we're here for Sisters of Elune! And we're here for YOU!
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90 Human Priest
Guild RBG Teams have settled into weekend play for the most part. Sundays has been working out pretty good.

Other days and times can be worked out as well, but for now weekends seem to be the most doable.

Zen welcomes PvP players to come join the good times.

Contact any Zen member for an invitation to the guild.

Thank you,
- Penelopae, Zen Leader
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29 Blood Elf Warlock
Hello i'm looking to learn rbg's im a ret paladin open to learn new things
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90 Human Priest
We cannot help you much on your Horde character, but if you have an Alliance toon, give us a shout to get an invitation to the guild.

- Pen
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
if in case you ever need a geared frost death knight im available although it would be x-realm since im on tichondrius (im not really really geared but i am full dreadful 2 malev). also i am only available on saturdays-sundays since i do work the night shift

i still have some toons on soe and i use to run with battlemasters on my warrior tank a while back (now i only have two toons on hordeside) , ill mail you my <email> real id if your interested
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90 Human Priest
Sounds fantastic Masterbabe,
Your contact people are Biggestbear, Rampard, Azinoz, and Evangelaine for RBG events. Role a toon and stick it in the guild so that you have access to the guild calendar and other in-guild info.
- Pen
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90 Human Death Knight
You know i'm always up for a rbg,bg or arenas Pen so if you or a guildie ever plan to do PvP just let me know ;)
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90 Human Priest
You're a good lad Ademis, and a good guildie.

Best wishes to you, and... well... Death to the Horde!

- Pen
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90 Pandaren Shaman
I'd like to initiate some Horde by putting my foot up their...

I'm in.
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