10/18/2012 08:23 AMPosted by
Everen Would our peeps please dig deep and, you know, actually post an intro and/or talk during Aussie-friendly hours?
I can do my best. I really post just whenever I have time, which is usually the later part of the day servertime. I can try to post in the more morning hours, but I can't promise anything. Thankfully it's more like a forum style, so people post whenever they can all throughout the day.
I doubt you would weigh us down. We're more then open to helping people learn new lore and the like, and you could focus entirely on trolls for your first few months of stories.
Thanks for the good luck, though!
I can?
I'm not asking for a thorough, omnipotent knowledge of lore. An expertise and willingness to learn about other lore subjects would fit perfectly with the rest of us. I think we all bring something different and interesting to the table.
10/18/2012 11:45 AMPosted by
Tzipara I still can't figure out Google Docs. Time to google it.
It's actually very simple. Imagine a word document that multiple people can edit at the same time. That's all it is. If you just look through it for about ten minutes you'll see that the files are set up just like a forum. :)
10/18/2012 04:48 PMPosted by
Phalo If you wanted I'd like to maybe do a sketch maybe every other week or so based on your fairy tales~ Would be awesome and interesting to say the least.
yes! We'll be publishing our first fairy tales at the very end of November, which gives all of us time to brainstorm and get to know each other. I will send your email (since I have it, I think) the permissions to get into the drive. That way you can go in, look around, and get to know us. :)
Edit: We'd also pimp you and your art out in our project!