***Updates, updates, updates!***
We're currently getting the Fairy Tale Project off the ground. We've come to some pretty epic decisions. First of all, our stories will be published via PDF and designed to look as if they are bound in a book. We also have a super bamf artist, Phalo, who has volunteered to bring some stories to life with ART for free. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6933873510?page=1
We will also be publishing our stories in-character. So you will be able to carry around our books IC! We're even considering doing storytelling circles for Winter Veil.
For those of you interested or still on the fence about the Fairy Tale Writers Group I want to highlight a very important aspect of our collaboration, we do critiques. Not just for project stories, for any WoW stories if you are one of our writers. We also provide tons of resources for lore and writing. If you're looking for a place to socialize with MG writers and get their opinions before you make official threads in the WoW forums then we are here to help!
We've also started doing weekly challenges. They're NOT required, but just there for fun. Basically, I offer a prompt and you write a page and a half long story. And BAM you could win 200 gold.
We're currently getting the Fairy Tale Project off the ground. We've come to some pretty epic decisions. First of all, our stories will be published via PDF and designed to look as if they are bound in a book. We also have a super bamf artist, Phalo, who has volunteered to bring some stories to life with ART for free. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6933873510?page=1
We will also be publishing our stories in-character. So you will be able to carry around our books IC! We're even considering doing storytelling circles for Winter Veil.
For those of you interested or still on the fence about the Fairy Tale Writers Group I want to highlight a very important aspect of our collaboration, we do critiques. Not just for project stories, for any WoW stories if you are one of our writers. We also provide tons of resources for lore and writing. If you're looking for a place to socialize with MG writers and get their opinions before you make official threads in the WoW forums then we are here to help!
We've also started doing weekly challenges. They're NOT required, but just there for fun. Basically, I offer a prompt and you write a page and a half long story. And BAM you could win 200 gold.
Edited by Systar on 10/23/2012 5:18 PM PDT