The Fairy Tale Project: *Critiques Galore!*

85 Worgen Warrior
***Updates, updates, updates!***

We're currently getting the Fairy Tale Project off the ground. We've come to some pretty epic decisions. First of all, our stories will be published via PDF and designed to look as if they are bound in a book. We also have a super bamf artist, Phalo, who has volunteered to bring some stories to life with ART for free.

We will also be publishing our stories in-character. So you will be able to carry around our books IC! We're even considering doing storytelling circles for Winter Veil.

For those of you interested or still on the fence about the Fairy Tale Writers Group I want to highlight a very important aspect of our collaboration, we do critiques. Not just for project stories, for any WoW stories if you are one of our writers. We also provide tons of resources for lore and writing. If you're looking for a place to socialize with MG writers and get their opinions before you make official threads in the WoW forums then we are here to help!

We've also started doing weekly challenges. They're NOT required, but just there for fun. Basically, I offer a prompt and you write a page and a half long story. And BAM you could win 200 gold.

Edited by Systar on 10/23/2012 5:18 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Warrior

For a long while now I've been interested in writing a book (forum thread) of fairy tales. Tales collected from all over Azeroth and beyond. Since the holiday season is approaching and I find myself with the inspiration and the time, I want to look for other writers who would want to dedicate some time to doing this with me.

Writers will be allowed to pick as many or as little zones they wish to write about every month. Each of us will write tales inspired by the culture, history, and environment of various zones. There is no restriction to which zones as this is an exploration of folklore in Azeroth. There will also be no limits on monsters to be included in the stories, though I will encourage we use in-game monsters. If you wish to use lore characters, you must do so in a non-lorebreaking way (cannot rewrite a lore character's history, personality, etc).

Project Outline

This project will include six (or more) dedicated roleplayers and writers. Project writers will communicate mainly through Google Docs and mass emails. Their fairy tales will be posted at the end of every month in an In-Character thread.

There will be no in-game meetings. You have the control over WHEN you wish to write or post in the group as long as it is consistent and you remain active (2 stories a month and posting in discussions, very easy.)

The purpose of the project is to create short tales to add depth to roleplay. Ideally, we will explore culture and zones then add those influences within our stories. This is not just about writing pretty stories. It is about developing a better understanding of various WoW cultures to enhance immersion.

The Project Offers:

* A community that gives insight and critiques to your stories.

* Discussions on folklore, myths, fairy tales, and other methods of story telling.

* Discussions on WoW lore and application to story telling.

* Comprehensive lore and story telling resources.

* Publicity for artists, video editors, and writer-roleplayers.

* A group of nerds who want to have fun.

Useful Links
Edited by Systar on 10/23/2012 4:11 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Warrior
Do you qualify for the project?

Writers should...
1] Be able to dedicate 2 - 6 hours a week writing or messing around in Google Docs while we nerd out about mythology and stuff.
2] Frequent the forums.
3] Be familiar with Google Docs.
4] Be interested in learning lore or have a good working knowledge of lore.
5] You must have an understanding of the significance fairy tales and folklore.


1] Submit two stories a month.
2] Must be 1,000 - 4,000 words long.
3] Must be newly written stories for the project.

What We Will Cover
Edited by Systar on 10/25/2012 4:18 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Monk
I wonder what it is. :o
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
But what does it mean?

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90 Human Warrior
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Oooh, neat. I might be up for this.
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96 Draenei Paladin
Me to, I'm currently studying romantic fairy tales... I really want to write one up!
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85 Worgen Warrior
Post.... NOW.
*Is finished editing thread*

Just a note, you are not expected to DEDICATE ALL YOUR TIME FOREVER. This is just a writing group and I want active people in it.
Edited by Systar on 10/16/2012 3:35 PM PDT
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96 Draenei Paladin
Are the fairy tales restricted to only Azeroth? I would love to see what insight other authors might have or opinions based on draenei folklore.
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85 Worgen Warrior
10/16/2012 03:34 PMPosted by Solinii
Are the fairy tales restricted to only Azeroth? I would love to see what insight other authors might have or opinions based on draenei folklore.

They will be Azeroth and beyond, meaning Outland/Draenor, Argus, and other WoW planets.

IC this collection will be a very large, rare grimoire hidden somewhere in Azeroth. A place where it cannot be removed, yet can be read.
Edited by Systar on 10/16/2012 3:37 PM PDT
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I have metric tons of Dark Iron lore that I would live to be able to work with more and show to everyone, so I would live to write up some tales from that area. So, if you'll have me, I'd love to pitch in. I could do normal Dwarves and even some Titan stuff as well.
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96 Draenei Paladin
They will be Azeroth and beyond, meaning Outland/Draenor, Argus, and other WoW planets.

Now I am very interested... I just have to check what my schedule is like in the next few weeks on my syllabus to guesstimate my times.
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85 Worgen Warrior
10/16/2012 03:36 PMPosted by Kazrador
I have metric tons of Dark Iron lore that I would live to be able to work with more and show to everyone, so I would live to write up some tales from that area. So, if you'll have me, I'd love to pitch in. I could do normal Dwarves and even some Titan stuff as well.

I would like that the writers do not restrict themselves to just one or two races. I am looking for people with working lore knowledge, but I do not want anything reserved for just one writer. We have a lot to cover, so this will be more of a lot of writing exercises rather than contributions of previous work.

10/16/2012 03:37 PMPosted by Solinii
They will be Azeroth and beyond, meaning Outland/Draenor, Argus, and other WoW planets.

Now I am very interested... I just have to check what my schedule is like in the next few weeks on my syllabus to guesstimate my times.

There will probably not be a lot of "you need to be here at certain time" meetings. More like "mass email, please respond and upload your stories" types of things.
Edited by Systar on 10/16/2012 3:40 PM PDT
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96 Draenei Paladin
Hm, in that case I might be able to join, I'll be able to give you an answer within a few hours or so if I feel like dedicating myself to this project.
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100 Human Priest
I am free enough to do this/help out. :3
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85 Worgen Warrior
10/16/2012 04:02 PMPosted by Venita
I am free enough to do this/help out. :3

I will add you to the list! :D
Edit: Venita, email me so I can add you to view the files for the writing group in Google Docs.
Edited by Systar on 10/16/2012 4:25 PM PDT
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90 Worgen Druid
Signing up for Gilnean and Arathian folklore.

I'd also be willing to do Night elves, wildhammer dwarves, and tauren, though.
Edited by Ferenold on 10/16/2012 4:28 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Warrior
10/16/2012 04:26 PMPosted by Ferenold
Signing up for Gilnean and Arathian folklore.

Email me. I hope you're open to writing about other zones too. Lots of worgen zones out there.

10/16/2012 04:27 PMPosted by Pylsur
It's always nice to see more writing projects on MG.

I agree.
Edited by Systar on 10/16/2012 4:29 PM PDT
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