Open World PvP on Pandaria Island

90 Human Warrior
Any level 90s who are on horde should do their dailies flag to bring open world pvp back. I am always flagged so you can atleast expect a war with me.
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90 Undead Death Knight
Hey I know you!
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90 Human Priest
Open-World PvP is alive and well.

The guild Zen supports this engaging and highly enjoyable aspect of game-play.

While a bit rough in elegance, a few members of Zen and a few members of Purge (including Afanasi and Pierce) engaged recently in some light PvP action around the Tiller’s Market area. Good fun, good times. Thanks Purge for your participation.

We urge all players, Alliance and Horde to openly participate in open-world PvP.

While, “If it’s Red, it’s Dead” generally applies, do please try to keep combatant numbers on an equal balance for the sake of fair play. Use your respective guild Vent to coordinate your attacks and staging.

For good times, remember that we can also utilize the War Games feature to extend battles into a more controlled environment (sans guards, mostly). Zen would be interested in arranging War Games with other guilds, we can set up any rules or game-play that we want in there (this could allow for some very interesting scenarios).

If participating as an Alliance player, please feel welcome to group up with Zen players and I would also suggest that you obtain our Vent info to better your enjoyment and coordination.

If your Horde group has no Vent, contact me or one of our players to get you our Vent info as well. I would rather have you use our Vent than to go without, for your open-world combat.

I only ask that there is never any griefing or angry exchanges in our Vent. PvP is fun, and a great way to enjoy our WoW gaming experience, always remember that this is a game, and PvP is merely entertainment. If you cannot understand this, we have no interest in playing with you.

Zen policies include: No T-Bagging of opponents. No /spitting on opponents. We want to have fun, but there is no reason to be disrespectful to other players. We discourage logging over to opposite faction to grief or harass. We do encourage communication though, and will share our Vent with those that display good sportsmanship and show an effort to encourage fair play. If you feel a need to log over and communicate, that is not a foul. I am very approachable by any players, regardless of faction or guild affiliation.

Zen, Rocking the Realm for All the Right Reasons!
- Penelopae, Zen Leader

Edit: Copy/paste missed a bit, so I added it into the post.
Edited by Penelopae on 10/16/2012 8:12 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Oh...and... Death to the HORDE!

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I had a few heart attacks the other day when I realized there were a few flagged Allies around x3

It's not my cup of tea, but it was nice to see world pvp on the server. Hopefully more people join in and have fun :)
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90 Human Priest
Yep, it certainly is not everyone’s cup of tea. But, for those that can enjoy open-world PvP, the opportunity is available.

This expansion includes quite a bit of endless rep grinding. Whether we like it or not, most any player will be out there all the time, grinding away. While the game-play need not be all-encompassing as a PvP realm, players can add a bit of heart-pounding excitement to the daily doldrums of rep-grinding.

Many of our Zen members have chosen to grind their dailies while flagged. Recognize this as an invitation to partake in good sportsmanship and good times with a PvP flavor.

- Penelopae, Zen Leader
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90 Human Priest
Some tips to make your Open-World PvP more enjoyable:

  • If you do not want to participate – Do not be Flagged.
  • If you come out of a BG or get flagged and wish to quit, simply run into an instance or jump on a Flight Path to rinse your flag. You can come right back to the area and go on about your business.
  • Any contested town is a safe spot when flagged, as the guards will attack any offensive actions.
  • Alternatively, hearth to your respective capitol city. Or safer yet, run into your Farm. The farm is uniquely zoned to you and is a safe place to let your flag wear off. Go grab a cup of coffee or ask your Mommy to make you a Hotpocket and by the time the microwave goes “Ding!” your PvP flag buff will drop off.

As a courtesy, here I will describe the Zen Rules of Engagement for Open-World PvP:

In general, unacceptable behavior that we frown upon includes “t-bagging” of opponents, “/spit” on opponents, and unnecessary or extraneous camping of opponents. Poor sports usually suffer consequences and may even be removed from our guild. It wouldn’t be the first time, trust me.

We do strive to enforce our rules of engagement, but we also accept new members that may not be fully aware of our policies. So, if you see behavior that is unbecoming of a Zen member, please feel welcome to drop me an in-game mail describing the time, player name(s), and particular circumstances. I assure you that I will look into it.

Zen encourages fair-play. Admittedly, fair-play may be a subjective set of guidelines in regards to open-world PvP.

Know this though: if you and your buddy jump one of our players and make sport of 2 or 3v1 on that player… and the next thing you know… the sky grows dark… and Death Descends upon you with unrelenting vengeance; Don’t bother sending me a complaint mail, you have earned whatever happens, m’k.

- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
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90 Human Paladin
I stay flagged while doing dailies as well. I do not jump on people who accidentally flag if they hit me by chance, i give it a few secs. Had maybe 2 occasions where some1 flagged by accident cause i was doing dailies in the area, then there is was happen 5 mins ago when a flagged horde targeted me and only me and attacked. Gave him maybe 3 secs and made him regret it. No corpse camping, no tea-bagging, that's all childish.
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90 Human Rogue
10/20/2012 12:29 AMPosted by Biggestbear
No corpse camping, no tea-bagging, that's all childish.
nah not childish, is it childish to teach someone a lesson after they have done something wrong? cuz if you really belivied that you would not punish people IRL.
I encourage corpse camping, if they have the guts and skill to start a fight they have the skill to get away.

Also on another note, of course the horde are into world pvp now as soon as I stop playing as much :(. You guys seemed to hate us (the alliance) comming to org's gate. If I remember right I was actually reported 17 different times because of attacking the front gates.
11 for "cheating".
6 for corpse camping.
The 11 times I was reported for cheating, the GM actually contacted me and informed me that you guys thought I hacked the game by turning invisable during combat. Wanna know how I did it!? Used my ability called: VANISH, omg I are da bezt hakzor ever amiright?
Why you guys suddenly into world PvP? Please inform me of you guys are into it now. I am actually interested :)
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90 Human Paladin
10/20/2012 05:36 AMPosted by Anonymøus
nah not childish, is it childish to teach someone a lesson after they have done something wrong? cuz if you really belivied that you would not punish people IRL.

Your right, I don't beat down a person for bumping into me and after they say sorry.

Sorry for not being the bloodthirsty animal that a typical pvper seems to be, jumping on a person in an rp realm when only maybe 5-10% of its population are interested in pvp.

I am sorry for you with the number of people that complain that your cheating, some classes seemed more op than others, like rogues in cata. Now it Monks in Panda.

Fyi. If i wanted to be tea-bagged, I'd go back to playing Halo.
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Corpse camping is cowardly it's not a show of skill to not give someone a proper rematch as for Penelopae's policy im glad someone is showing honor i will do the same :) and most rogues were only outdoor pvping in Cata cuz it was easy to rogue.Happy hunting to see more pvp during my dailies :D
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90 Human Priest
I agree whole heartedly. Good fight, earlier, Valisend. You repelled my ambush at the Golden Stair and turned it against me quite skillfully.
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Thanks!, ya it was fun :)
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90 Human Warrior
Corpse camping and tea-bagging are good examples of what is wrong with this country.
Edited by Macbride on 10/21/2012 7:16 AM PDT
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90 Human Rogue
Your right, I don't beat down a person for bumping into me and after they say sorry.

Sorry for not being the bloodthirsty animal that a typical pvper seems to be, jumping on a person in an rp realm when only maybe 5-10% of its population are interested in pvp.

I am sorry for you with the number of people that complain that your cheating, some classes seemed more op than others, like rogues in cata. Now it Monks in Panda.

Bear.... calm yourself I nevered asked for you to be sorry, but I appreciate the enthusiasim :)

10/21/2012 07:13 AMPosted by Macbride
Corpse camping and tea-bagging are good examples of what is wrong with this country.

Corpse camping is impossible in RL, you only die once, no rezzes bro. :)
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90 Human Paladin
As long as u know, I'm happy archi.
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90 Undead Priest
I find the rules of engagement by Zen interesting. Doing my dailies tab targetting (bad idea and totally my fault) I dot a dk from Zen. Now, I don't pve , and shadow is a spec I keep now since I can easily change tallents for pve/pvp (used to only have 2 disc specs). Ok to make a short storey longer, anyways, I dot the dk in shadow spec and pve gear, next thing a druid and a shadow priest and the dk melt my bad at shadow face. Ok lesson learned and my mistake, so I rez and to my dismay for the next 10 minutes who is corpse camping? Oh the three from what guild oh yeah, Zen. Now, this is not a QQ, this is the first non pvp server I've ever been on and that is common practice as far back as I can remember. Oh the days ok killing not only the.lowbie alts of dominion (guild on altar of storms) but then camping their mains when they'd bring them to south shore to protect their alts. Oh not to say it wasn't the other way around often enough. My long spewing here I guess is if you really wanna lay rules of engagement, they are simple, don't do to others that witch will make you rage log. I thank your members for that welcome to the server talk, and look forward to being able to do dome talking of my own soon.
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90 Human Paladin
Everyone has their way of fighting. Many have the philosophy "if its red its dead" so jammed in their head they become brainless fighters.

How i fight personally is all I stated, not how other people play. If you truly were upset with a tea-bagging or corpse camp, I suggest letting an officer of said guild know. Names are helpful, too many times have I heard incidents happen and they cant recall their names.

A lot of people jump to conclusions of what a guild is about. Take Anon here for example, Ive stated before that he does not represent the mentality of a whole guild. People control their own actions, its not my right to tell someone what to do with their 15 a month. Best we can hope for is setting guidelines and "hope" people follow them.
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90 Human Rogue
10/21/2012 07:39 PMPosted by Pigeonprayer
Ok to make a short storey longer, anyways, I dot the dk in shadow spec and pve gear, next thing a druid and a shadow priest and the dk melt my bad at shadow face.

Don't get me wrong this is the kind of pvp I look down at. If I was with the Dk i would have let you too fight it out. I do not like unfair fights. Because general the team with more people wins and they talk mad crap, and I dont think that is "skillful". So I am sorry for the way they jumped you :( but like bear said if they like that kind of pvp, their choice not mine.
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90 Human Priest
Let’s talk about good sportsmanship and fair-play for a moment, shall we?
Using class spells, game mechanics, and world environment to your best advantage is of course “legal”. Not only legal, but knowing what to do and when to do it is part of what constitutes your skill-set. If it is a do-able action within the constraints of the software, then by all means players should leverage any ability or situation at their disposal.

This could include using Ventrilo or some means of group communication, grouping up to make best advantage of class buffs, using buff foods and flasks, or any other standard game mechanic. The same goes for utilizing world structure for Line-of-Sight (LoS) obstacles, ambush techniques, avoidance, etc. Any tool in your arsenal or environment that can be legally used within the game environment should of course be leveraged to your best advantage.

Now, about numbers… Usually, even-numbered teams opposing each other would be most fair, but not necessarily. Five seasoned veteran players with communications and high arena ratings (along with the gear that goes with it) are going to be much deadlier than even a dozen casual players in crap gear. In open-world PvP there is no matching device provided by the software like there is in arena and rated Battlegrounds for example. So that match-up responsibility falls to the participant players. Try to keep it fair.

Five players on one is probably not a good match, nor is eight on two… but if you see four or five arena champs ripping up five casual players… it is not a foul to throw in a few more players to even the odds. Generally, the arena-champs will prefer to fight eight other players anyway, if it makes the game more viable as a challenge.

Do not assume that all you see is what you get. If you see 15 flagged Alliance players standing around, and 7 Hordies, do not assume it is 15v7. Flagged players cannot turn the flag buff off without leaving. Some of these flagged players may be merely observers. Outside of capital cities it is not uncommon to observe several flagged players standing around. This does not mean that all are currently fighting; it could be a case of players waiting their turn to engage. Of course, on the same notion, never assume that all hell won’t break out at any moment. I merely suggest that you accurately assess the situation before jumping to any conclusions.

In a situation where players are matching up rounds in a fairly fair manner… until someone goes afoul of that fair-play… it wouldn’t be unusual to see an order to all troops, “get’im boys” as an example of play fair or feel the wrath. I’ve seen/done that.

If an opposing group cannot play fair, simply disengage and deny them that opportunity. Leave; go back to your questing or whatever you were doing. Some folks really cannot just have fun and enjoy the game without griefing or being bad sports. Let’s all just shun those types and deny them their game. Plenty of other players will join with you in honorable battle for the good times; we do not need those bad sports to play with.
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