Why do Healing monks always try to dps?


90 Pandaren Monk
I cant tell you how many times i have had to explain the the 5 man group what it means to be a monk healer. i decided to create this thread to help those who have not had the opportunity to play a monk healer as to what we do.

first monks have a mana pool and chi points. both are limited. and both are used to heal and dps. we usually spend chi to build tea and use tea to replenish our mana. [there are some exceptions to this.]

second all dps moves we do also HEAL. so the monk doing the punches and spinkicks is not trying to bolster his dps numbers he is HEALING.

another thing i have noticed is running ahead of the group and pulling many adds. this is fine but monks heal best when in close proximity of the mobs you are attacking. to leave your monk behind will cause great spikes in your health as he tries to catch up to you.

some party members like to stay outta melee. this might put them outta range of most monk heals. remember hunters there is no minimum range for you anymore <wink>

this is of course my humble observations. And the next time when your tank dies but yet the rest of the party has no trouble surviving the pull. before you blame the monk, were you out of los of your healer?

please share your beefs and suggestions concerning this topic as i wonder what the other side thinks of the new monk healz?
90 Night Elf Druid
I'd also like to point them to this wonderful blog post by SoE's Tzufit, who raids as resto druid but has been playing a monk alt since the start of the expansion:


As you already pointed out, the monk healing spec is entirely different from the kind of healer we've been used to. Your post is great, it just will take a while for players to understand what monk healers are all about, and adjust accordingly.
100 Orc Warrior
Pre-MOP heroics, my GF frequently pulled more dps as a disc priest without any deaths. Since Cata, healers are supposed to contribute some dps, for some, it's better healing to do so (something about mana regen?)
90 Human Monk
This sounds like how i would like to be a healer ....
90 Dwarf Monk
some party members like to stay outta melee. this might put them outta range of most monk heals. remember hunters there is no minimum range for you anymore <wink>

O hay, guy who only spams jab, chi wave, and SCK!
90 Human Priest
Wait.... Monkeys can Heal?

I thought all that flailing about and meleeing was just some sort of Panda racial thing... something about big bellies and beer... *shrug* I dunnoes, it all sounds sorta dangerous.

Besides, everyone knows that healers are a crutch... if the Monkeys are gonna melee then they should pick it up a bit on the Skada charts, gah! Bandages and passive heals should suffice anyway, what with all the self-heals that Tanks and everyone has nowadays...

Hey if I have a Monkey healer in the group, and we all live... Ima not gonna question their methods, and I certainly don't want any of that goofy leather gear they're always rolling on, so... Monkey down and flail about and beat on stuff all ya want. Step the hell off mah damn caster trinkets and doobobs though, m'k
90 Undead Priest
There is a problem with requesting range to be in range of monk heals that stack with tanks. The strat of some bosses in raids call for a separation, so you can not expect stacking. Some bosses even require some tanks to separate themselves causing more separation. Even though monk healing is greater with stacking it can not be encouraged due to the strats of bosses and the dmg they do if you do not follow the strats.
100 Orc Warrior
1. Don't necro threads.
2. OP's point was about dungeons, not raids.
90 Pandaren Monk
Thank you for writing this because it is RIGHT on point. I start telling them keep running ahead and I'll just wipe and go. I'm tired of the r-tard tanks and players who run ahead and stand in hazardous crap taking their health down BUT its all my fault lol. Stay in my flippin los and WAIT then we will all be happy :)
50 Pandaren Monk
I was thinking of off spec.ing as a healer any tips and by the way this is my frist toon so i am still new to the world of WoW so please be somewhat detailed
90 Pandaren Monk
I have no issue healing range dps, as long as they don't LoS me. I usually stand close to the tanks, but not right next to them. I find it best if I sit in between the tanks and ranged so I have no trouble healing both of them. But that's just me. I haven't tried to sit right next to the tanks for healing and still pull about 45k+ heals. Only time I ever go directly by the tank and melee dps is when I feel the need to use SCK.
90 Pandaren Monk
Well thank you for this post! Awareness needs to be raised. Maybe its just me but a simple OOM should be a hint to the tank and all dps to stop and lemme get my mana up. I was in an instance and i got so tired of the tank that when i ran out of mana for the 4th time i stopped sat down and drank my morning glory dew. needless to say the tank died in the next pull and blamed me. but i had clearly told him i was out of mana. to all tanks: slow down you won't level very fast if you make all the healers mad. kthxbye!
90 Pandaren Monk
Thanks for posting this. Seems like with each patch or expansion, the tanks get in even more of a hurry. Idk how many times i've gone through entire dungeons fighting to gain Chi for mana Teas just so I could continue to heal. Most of the runs like this, I stayed at about 20% mana and below simply because the tanks were too impatient to allow me to get my mana back up. Of course, occasionally I would just let the tank die. A few times that even got them to open their eyes and stop playing dumb. Not that I have anything against tanks as I do enjoy rolling brewmaster sometimes.
88 Pandaren Monk
Thank you so much for this post and for everyone who has commented. For awhile there I thought it was me. My main healer is a Druid and I love healing with her and decided to level a Monk healer. Up to level 80 healing was a piece of cake. Didn't have to really manage mana/chi/tea. However, now I'm over 80 and found out real quick the importance of balancing mana/chi/tea.

I have to agree, more often than not tanks seem to be blowing through an instance and I am trying to get my mana up and they do not read chat when I say OOM as they run in and pull a boss.

I Druid and Priest heal and the Monk is a totally different beast (no pun intended). I'm hoping by the time I hit 90 I will have the mana/chi/tea balance down. But in the meantime, if any of you are in a group with a Monk healer, show some respect and kindness, or try leveling one yourself.

*steps down from her soapbox*
Edited by Utako on 3/8/2014 5:41 PM PST
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Why do healing monks always necro threads?
47 Gnome Monk
I don't know man its weird...


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