Clockwerk's Recruiting

90 Gnome Mage
Hey there!

<Clockwerk> has undergone a couple of leadership changes, but is still a guild for casual players who enjoy open, unscripted, lore-friendly role play.

Our philosophy is simple: Be respectful, and have fun with the game.

<Clockwerk> is an Alliance Roleplaying guild open to all levels, classes, and role-play abilities. We are an Out of Character (OOC) role-play guild, meaning that <Clockwerk> does not exist in-game and there is no central plot that ties all of our members together. We are a group of people that thrive on normal, unscripted roleplay. While we're casual at heart, we have "heavy" roleplayers amongst our ranks.

There are many aspects of this game to enjoy, be it PvP, raiding, instancing, pet battles, or questing, and encourage our members to try it all. Guild chat is OOC to promote developing camaraderie amongst members.

<Clockwerk> is selectively recruiting mature, friendly individuals who are looking for a welcoming family and a comfortable place to call home.

Be the roleplay you want to see in the world.
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Clockwerk is still around? I thought you all just went wayward when Nozz left.

Regardless, I once had a Gnome in Clockwerk, and you guys were just big bunches of fun.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Clockwerk is still around? I thought you all just went wayward when Nozz left.

Regardless, I once had a Gnome in Clockwerk, and you guys were just big bunches of fun.

I think they did a bit, but they weathered the storm. Nothing but respect and appreciation for the people of <Clockwerk> as they kept Connections afloat when the sea of silence tried to take it to the second page.
Edited by Lectril on 10/23/2012 10:22 PM PDT
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86 Night Elf Rogue
Oh my I didn't know you guys were still around, I used to pal around with Nozz and my ex (Iya) all the time. I'm not sure if I'd join without Nozz though, plus I'm still holding out for a good Heavy, or at least moderate RP guild.

Still, I'm very happy to see you guys getting back up. Feel free to hit up Missing or Ariavel for rp any time!
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90 Gnome Mage
Thank you all for your kind words. I was very pleased to see more old familiar names out and about in the world.

Nozz was the very public face of Clockwerk, and she worked very hard to build a group of like minded folks. She is missed and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to write with, and play with her.

While I cannot hope to match her energy, nor her style, I do support the larger goal of having a friendly accepting group of role-players who enjoy the game, the people on this server, and one another's company.

My hope is that there is a Guild (or not, for you dedicated soloists,) for everyone out there, no matter your play style. I'm looking forward to bumping into you out in the world.
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90 Human Priest

It certainly would be wonderful to see more active RP in the open-world of Azeroth.

This new expansion is jam-packed with neat RP items, toys, gadgets, and great settings for RP adventure. Arguably the best opportunity yet, for good ol' fashion open-world RP.

I understand that RP players get a bit of grief sometimes... which seems really odd to me on an RP designated realm. Anyway... I salute the RP guilds of our fair realm and support all styles of play. Please do practice your RP out in the open so that more players are exposed to it and hopefully will support it too.

Ima Bumpity Bump yer thread as a vote of support.

- Penelopae, Zen Leader
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