[A] LF Guild, Resto Shaman, Enhance offspec

90 Dwarf Shaman
I am a resto shaman that has been healing in a raid environment since BC. In BC, Wrath, and the beginning of Cata, I raided as a holy/disc priest. After multiple years I decided to hang up my "halo" and roll a dps; enhance shaman then became my main through part of Cata until the xpac bored me. IMO cata is the worst xpac yet. I have missed healing a lot so I am going back to healing being my main, but have decided to stick with my shaman. (resto owns)

Anyway, I am looking for a casual raiding guild that is focused on progression. I do not want to be in a hardcore raiding guild that demands multiple nights a week, but i would like each member to take raiding seriously, properly gem and enchant, read up on the fights, and pay attention/follow directions. I can raid a couple nights a week.

One reason I want to guild up is because LFR is so so painful. No one knows the fights, dps generally cares more about recount than they do downing bosses, people are constantly bickering, etc. I miss having a tight knit group of friends working together to down bosses, know what I mean? LFR just isnt the same as raiding with friends.

The reason I am not in a guild at the moment is that I faction changed so that I could play with some friends cross server.

A little about me, Im male, 26, married, work in medical devices manufacturing. (i said little lol)

please forgive me a tiny bit for my current gear. I am having no luck getting a few key pieces of my gear. in short, im working on it lol.

Please contact me in game, reply to this post, or send me a mail. I would love to chat with any and all :)

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90 Human Priest

Your description sounds like a very good fit for the guild Zen.

Cata was… well… it was what it was. It certainly wasn’t an Ulduar. Your definition of the current LFR seems spot on. The little shared about you fits our preference as well, a responsible yet engaging adult gamer with real life and a game hobby. As for gear, gear will come; no worries there.

Zen has always been a raid guild, and for this expansion we are approaching raid on a bit more casual pace and outlook. While we do plan on progression to keep pace with content release, we are not going to kill ourselves to do it. A few nights per week, per team, will be all that we focus upon.

Our guild is one of the most active guilds on this realm. I can’t even remember the last time there wasn’t at least a few players online and/or in Vent… 24/7/365. Most evenings during prime time for example, there are usually 20-30 players online. While not a large guild, we make up for it by being very active, all day and night.

We provide raid opportunities for the more hardcore types, and plan this year to have a more casual team as well (I will be on that team myself, by the way). We also support Rated Battleground and arena team activity, along with forming up 5-player teams for random battlegrounds for fun and points.

While not so much an RP guild, we do support RP-play styles in this RPG game, and some of our members like to play in-character-ish on a regular basis.

Our Ventrilo is open to all members and is used extensively around the clock. We welcome discussion of any kind, and have channels reserved for various types of activity. We also welcome friends and neighbors to visit our Vent and use it for arena or BG activities in-guild or otherwise.

If this sounds like a good fit for you Prost, we welcome you to come give it a try. If our guild community does not suit you, there will be no adverse reactions from our folks. I mean by that, come give us a try, and if it doesn’t work out, then no big deal.

It is my sincere intent to provide a great guild environment and best opportunities for the players of this realm. That in a nutshell is my interest, intent, and goal with the guild Zen.
Please feel welcome to contact me or any of our members for an invitation to join.

Thank you,
- Penelopae, Zen Leader
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90 Dwarf Shaman
Thank you very much Penelopae, I will be in touch with you in game. Thanks so much for the response.
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