<Forgotten Realms> recruitment

90 Human Paladin
Plain and simple- we are in need of a 2nd tank and 1-2 DPS (of any type) for MV 10man. We currently do not have any rogues, locks, spriests or boomkins in our line up.

Raid time is Friday and Saturday night 8:30pm server. Flasks, food and repairs are handled by the guild bank.

If you have an ilvl around 470ish and are interested in good times and free loots contact Rhozz Katiiya or Krawr via in game mail or whisper.

Hope to hear from ya!
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90 Dwarf Monk
locks, spriests or boomkins

locks, spriests or boomkins

locks, spriests or boomkins

Yes plz and ty. Let our hunter have her kitty back!
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