((all OOC))

Alright so I've noticed most Alliance side Heavy roleplay guilds on this server seem to have fallen by the wayside so I've been debating making a new one on this server but wasn't sure if there was really an interest.

I've been in the Cheshire Cats, True Sanctuary, and was a co-creator of Brookwater back in the day and recently came back to this server because... well it's really where I developed as a Warcraft rper. I do have a good deal of experience making forum sites for this sort of thing as well.

I would kind of like to make it as a mercenary group like how Brookwater was meant to be and would have been had I not deployed and left when I did. That way it would allow people to have in character, role play reasons for doing dungeons and pvp by calling them "jobs". There are a great deal of other ideas to go with it but since this is just an interest check I'm keeping it short for now.

So basically what I'm asking is if anyone thinks I should even bother or if anyone would be interested in joining something like that.
Edited by Ariavel on 10/25/2012 9:29 PM PDT