(Horde) Ghostfang Brotherhood is recruiting!

Now that the expansion is here and most people have their main toons to 90, the Ghostfang Brotherhood (http://ghostfang.com) are officially re-opening recruitment. Most especially, we are looking for potential raiders who are capable players of TANK and HEALER roles, who not only know how to play their class with skill, but can do so in a mature and friendly manner.

The Ghostfang Brotherhood (GfB) is a large, well-established and adults-only Horde guild that has existed in an unbroken line since the launch of WoW in 2004. We boast every stripe of player amongst our ranks: Raiders, PvPers, RPers, as well as a few people who are too goofy to categorize so simply. GfB's culture is themed first around quality membership and friendships, both old and new, from which springs all our other functions, including raiding.

If you are interested, join us in our chat channel in game by typing "/join GFBLFG", and come visit our forums at http://ghostfang.com -- group with us, read up on us, and if you like what you see, register and apply.

Thank you for your time!

PS, to re-iterate: we are calling most especially for raid-interested TANKS and HEALERS, but if you are not one of those roles and are interested anyway, remember our recruitment is not strictly tied to raiding and so other applicants will definitely be considered.
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90 Troll Druid
I had a brief stint with these folks back when I was younger, less mature, and harder to get along with. They brought me to their Nax 25, which was my very first raid ever! I remember uber, snotty mages pulling a whole 2k dps, and Grimgor was still trying to get some weapons out of the place before Ulduar launched. Leyota and I were very lost and new, and it was a great experience for us. Those were very good times; the embarrassing teenage years you look back at with a fondness over the years.

I don't know all of GfB these days, but I will say that Grimgor and his girl (Nayela, I think) were always great to me. A lot of friends I've made in the past are in GfB; so they must still be doing it right.

If you're looking for a long-term place where you can feel like you have an online family, I would say hit GfB up. They've been a bit quiet in the past, but they've never faded away, which is a lot to say for guilds here on SoE!

Good luck to you guys in MoP! Lok'tar ogar!
Edited by Faeylin on 11/2/2012 5:26 PM PDT
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^5 Faeylin, thanks for the props. Yes, I think the Star Wars and such in late Cataclysm pulled a lot of the Fangs in different directions for a while.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
My name is Bogatir, and I approve this message.

Actually, what I want to add is that we're not just looking for tanks and healers. If you only play DPS, don't worry. Apply anyway, and we bend you into tank or healer for free! :P

Everyone is welcome as long as you're a) a team player, b) pull your own weight and c) smart enough to let sleeping Gelmarkk keep tanking. I think that's it...
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I wholeheartedly endorse the Ghostfang Brotherhood. This guild is full of the very best kind of people and raiding with them is a sheer pleasure. There's little to no drama (I don't remember ANY while I was in the guild for years, but I do remember an awful lot of laughs) and guild chat is like "Cheers" - Everybody knows your name and they're always glad you logged on!

If I was in any way able to adhere to a raid schedule, they'd be at the top of my list. Love to all the Fangs, but especially Gelmarkk, who tanks just as well while sleeping as he does while awake!
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Bumping for brotherly love.
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11/06/2012 12:47 PMPosted by Camdyn
Love to all the Fangs, but especially Gelmarkk, who tanks just as well while sleeping as he does while awake!

Camdyn! <3

But are you sure this is a compliment? HAHA.
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90 Tauren Warrior
Damn my only ability to bandage.
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