<Fallen Lords> is recruiting

90 Human Mage

I am here today to speak on the subject of recruitment. We are currently looking to add more to our Guild for raiding now and in the future of Mists. We are looking for more like minded individuals centered around team work and community. Many of opportunities are open for those who want to raid and progress through Mist content.

Currently we have
  • Heroic and Scenario groups running for valor point caps and gear
  • Weekly Guild LFR Groups for both Main and Alts
  • Sha of Anger/Galleon Co-Run with <Redemption> and <Zen>
  • Raid Group (Vault Progression) looking for DPS and a healer (Priest/Shaman heals confirmed)
  • Future raid groups will be determined by desire to raid
  • PVP
    We are currently restructuring our PVP team, time and make up. There has been renewed interest in PVP since the start of Mists and we are looking to expand on these thoughts.

    We currently pride ourselves on our ability to work as a team and would like to expand upon that.

    For any additional information, feel free to reach out to any current online member. Everyone has inviting privileges.

    To the future of Azeroth,
    Edited by Protensis on 11/3/2012 7:31 PM PDT
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    90 Human Priest
    Here’s something that you’ll rarely see on SoE:
    An endorsement for a guild, from another guild.

      Recent observations from the perspective as a member (an Alt that I placed in their guild):
    • <Fallen Lords> is a well-organized guild with a solid officer base and solid leadership.
    • Leadership is cohesive, camaraderie is obvious.
    • Their events program is organized with focus on providing opportunities for their members.
    • Guild chat is kept clean and grief-free, the atmosphere is positive and light.
    • New members are made to feel welcome, but not pressured.

      Observations from the perspective of a Guild Leader in cooperative inter-guild events:
    • <Fallen Lords> members are cordial, respectful, and polite during our co-run events.
    • Leadership is wonderful to work with. Officers and Guild Leader mesh well with our team.
    • Raid group organization and form-up are seamless, our groups fall-in intuitively and smoothly.
    • At conclusion of the co-run events I always feel good about the results and performance of our groups working together. I exit the event with a positive feeling and neighborly sense of community.

    <Fallen Lords> is a great guild choice for mature-minded players that prefer a well-organized and structured guild environment. While there are a plethora of guild choices on Alliance SoE, very few are as organized and as cohesive as <Fallen Lords>.

    Recruitment is more than just padding roster numbers. Recruitment is more than just filling raid-slot voids… <Fallen Lords> recruits as an effort to provide Alliance players the opportunity of making the best of their game-play experience. <Zen> shares that goal and we applaud <Fallen Lords> in their efforts to meet that aspiration.

    By reaching out into the SoE community to participate in co-runs and help smaller guilds to see content that would otherwise be impossible or at least difficult to attain, <Fallen Lords> steps up to become a leading influence on our realm. <Zen> is proud to call them our neighbors, and we support them in that effort.

    Regardless of your own personal play style, the most important thing is that you get yourself into a well-organized high-end and very active guild. Whether that is Zen, Fallen Lords, or wherever, do get into a good guild. It really is important to your player success. <Fallen Lords> is offering to provide that opportunity for you. Take them up on that offer, you’ll be glad you did.

    I am Penelopae and I approve of this ad.
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    90 Human Mage
    Thank you Pen, I appreciate the kind words and I speak for everyone when I say it was a great day to welcome you in on an alt.

    We do welcome every with the same family mentality. I will say that is a pleasure to work with you and Zen on multiple fronts. We are trying to make raids and get together's possible for everyone on the server. Regardless to what people make think the Alliance does stand for unity. Among guilds, their members and the server community.

    Looking forward to working with more guilds, newer players, and people who are looking to join our family atmospheres.

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