
90 Human Priest

It is my intent to provide a news and announcement thread for the Zen guild in these SoE Forums.

In the interest of providing a central and easy to access venue for guild announcements, events, and news-worthy articles in the interest of our guild, the Alliance community, and for the realm overall.

I ask that forum posters please refrain from this current thread so that it may fade into obscurity or possibly enjoy deletion by a moderator.

I will begin a fresh forum thread in the interest of Guild News once this present thread fades off.

I ask the community of Forum users to please not spam, troll, or otherwise disrupt the new thread when it is posted. Comments or news notes are of course welcome, but please refrain from negativity or outright trolling.

Thank you.
Edited by Penelopae on 11/10/2012 1:35 PM PST
90 Human Priest
Edit: Removal of Content
Edited by Penelopae on 11/10/2012 1:27 PM PST
90 Human Priest
Move the "Advanced Progression" team back to 11 PM :P
90 Human Priest
Edit: Removal of Content
Edited by Penelopae on 11/10/2012 1:27 PM PST
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