To a dear, departed SoE friend...

90 Blood Elf Paladin
On this Day of the Dead, I wanted to say that we still miss you Neiakao (Neko for those who knew her in game) and we will never forget you. I'm sorry that you can't be here to play with us now, but you live on through our memories of wonderful times together and in our hearts.

Love now and always,
Edited by Starrgazyr on 11/1/2012 12:18 PM PDT
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91 Night Elf Hunter
It's hard to lose a friend. But remember, don't put players real names on forums. Too many bad things can happen and I know you mean her no harm.
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90 Human Priest
On this Day of the Dead....
...Love now and always,

I remember this player in-game.
I remember how utterly devoted she was to her friend, a Paladin...
Was that you Stargayzr, by a different name perhaps? Were you her constant companion lad? If so, sorry but your name eludes me now, it's been a few years gone by... but I remember Neko by name. I remember how she played, and how she was to others.

A sweet lass, and a lovely soul.

I remember when I was told the news.

A moment of memeroial, a nod, and a tender smile for the dearly departed. Remembrance on this, the day of the dead.

With much respect,
- Penelopae
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