A Humble Request from The People's Champion

62 Pandaren Rogue
Greetings citizens of Sisters of Elune!

I am Snugglekins, The People's Champion. I come to you all today to ask a great favor. I am not seeking riches, runs, goods, or anything like that.

I come because I wish to roll a mage alt. But for this mage, I would like to have a specific name.

Trixie. This name is currently being taken by someone. Trixie is an Alliance character but that doesn't mean anything. Trixie hasn't even been logged in once. So i sent the request to Yonder GMs and they informed me that whoever holds the name is currently an active player so they can not free up the name.

So, friends, my request is that if you are this person, or you happen to know who this person is, would you be willing to part with the name?

Please, let me know.

With love,
The People's Champion
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71 Human Priest
I don't unfortunately, even if you find them though I think you have a tough road. Best of luck!
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62 Pandaren Rogue

Problem solved.

I try and avoid Text based shorthand like that. Adding qt to the end of it makes me feel like I might as well stop typing full words and respond with "u wut m8?" or "hay baybee y dont u koom heer. I tayke gud kare uf u." or something equally demeaning to both myself and the person who has to read it.

I knew it was a long shot.. but.. You never know!
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71 Human Priest
Oh god please don't, I loved your first post and it would be a travesty if you began talking like that.
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