From the Azeroth of Old ~ Dungeons & Raiding

85 Night Elf Priest
From the Depths of Molten Core to the Gates of the Icecrown Citadel lie the tomes of forgotten scholars and magi alike, armour and weapons unlike any of their ilk with grandiose enchantments awaiting your bravery and courage. Descend into the nadirs of despair where Old Gods and Kings wish to prevent your tenacity and resolute fearlessness in disturbing their rise into the mists of Azeroth and beyond…

I and others are looking for those who wish to join in the smiting these terrors, obtaining the treasures that lie within, and the glory of achieving the feats amongst a kinship of heroes.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Lith A’Shar
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87 Gnome Priest
Sounds like fun to be had.
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90 Human Priest
Well met Lith A’Shar,

Well met indeed; salutations from the guild Zen. Our lot is a merry band of heroes that likewise delve into the depths and domains of Old Gods and Kings to smite them for the glory of treasures and adventure.

At twenty bells on the fourth day of Azeroth’s week we gather our forces to invade the Firelands of Ragnoros. If your stalwart army is eager for adventure, unite with us on the assault.

Until then, fare thee well, Godspeed and best wishes.

- Penelopae, of Zen

((Zen raids Firelands (25 Player) as a part of our Old World Weekend (OWW) series of events. Friday nights at 8:00 PM is our “Fun Night”, and we carry on the age-old tradition of our sub-guild <Old World Weekend>.

Any un-filled spots are open to neighbor guilds to come along for the fun.

We often fill these raids within guild, and already have a working relationship with a few other guilds. But, if this sort of cooperative raid event strikes your fancy, I would encourage you to contact Penelopae in-game to become involved. That welcome is extended to any friendly, good neighbor Alliance guild on our realm. ))
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85 Night Elf Priest
How thrilling and magnificent of an adventure it shall be, for I look forward to the journey that awaits before us Penelopae.

"The true test of a leader is whether his followers will adhere to his cause from their own volition, enduring the most arduous hardships without being forced to do so, and remaining steadfast in the moments of greatest peril." ~ Xenophon
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90 Human Priest
11/10/2012 09:22 AMPosted by Lithashar
"The true test of a leader is whether his followers will adhere to his cause from their own volition, enduring the most arduous hardships without being forced to do so, and remaining steadfast in the moments of greatest peril." ~ Xenophon

Sage words of wisdom indeed. I quite like this quote. This quote not only defines the test of a leader, but also describes strength and resolution of a healthy constituency.

A leader is not a rogue entity, or self-serving, or even an independent presence at all… a true leader is the embodiment of the group that it represents. Sometimes a leader can serve as a rallying point, or figurehead. But more importantly, a leader must always be the stanchion of core philosophy.

When one rises among like-minded as leader, that one must uphold the commonality that binds, else fall from grace. Followers are not underlings; they are support and validation, the body and soul of community. Leader is merely the tie that binds, the foundational rock upon which others may find stability upon which to construct community and camaraderie.

Leader, in the case of the guild Zen, is merely an organizational and enforcement role. The true strength and beauty, harmony, and cohesion of our guild are the members. Our long-standing members, officers, and those that embrace our philosophy enjoy oneness of purpose, oneness of aspirations for our guild, and a cohesion that goes far beyond the norms of “membership”.

While at times it may appear at face value as somewhat chaotic, there is indeed a strong undercurrent of that oneness. The harmony of Zen is more than a mere name or cute phrase, for our guild it is the core of our existence and success. I am the protector and enforcer of this innate harmony known as the guild Zen.

- Penelopae, Zen Leader

((My name is Tony, and my RP deviates from the traditional WoW RP in that I play in-character as a matter of course. My main character Penelopae was created from the very start to be a raider and leader of raids. I do not need a backstory or fantasy-written life history. My character has all of the game lore and long list of (mostly raid) achievements to fall back upon as her backstory.

While I appreciate the extra-fantasy RP story-lines and back-stories written and acted out by RPers, my brand of RP is what it is… my character is a raider and lore-lover, and for me that is RP enough and I enjoy it as such.

The above entry is in-character, as the leader of a guild, the raider/guild leader/founder in the fantasy world of WoW. Read it as just that, RP from a character. Thanks, Tony))
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