Rare spawns have loot ya know

90 Human Paladin
Ive been noticing this more and more lately. People are neglecting to loot a rare spawn, i guess because they didn't get the special item each one has. Such rare spawns as Scritch and Yorik Sharpeye.

I don't know if people are aware, when u loot a mob and there's nothing left on the mob, it despawns within 5 mins. When u kill a mob and don't loot it, the body hangs around for about 30-45 mins. This is especially annoying for people with npc scan, since even the dead body will trigger its alarm.

Pls loot your body. It's surprising how people can say no to free gold.
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90 Human Priest
It’s the WoW equivalent to littering. Ecological irresponsibility that is also detrimental to realm economics. Leaving trash lying around that delays new loot opportunity regeneration.

This is social, economic, and ecological irresponsibility in a video game. Amazing how even in a virtual environment of a video game, we can provide lessons in better stewardship of resources.

Good post Biggestbear.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Very good post. I was on my DK on another server this morning and got like 8 rares back to back. One thing I noticed is when I shift click to loot, I sometimes miss a item. Double check! on a rare this could be a BoE epic, bag of goods (ore, herbs, leather, motes, gold, etc), or even the special drop for each rare.
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90 Troll Rogue
There is a bug that prevents people from looting a corpse, when you try to loot it says some like: you are too far away to loot that corpse, this might be causing some of those abandoned treasures, and easy way to temporarily fix it it to be set for auto-loot.
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90 Human Paladin
There have been some cases when i couldn't loot a body, but a simple relog fixed it.
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