[A] Council of Dragons Recruiting [11/23/12]

100 Pandaren Monk
Council of Dragons is looking to add some skilled healers to our ranks. We are specifically recruiting healers for our Tuesday and Wednesday night 10-man group, which raids from 7-10 pm server time. We are looking for players who are also comfortable switching to a DPS spec for those fights which only require 2 healers.

Council of Dragons has an "everyone gets to raid policy." This means that if you want to raid, have the appropriate gear and come prepared, every effort will be made to see that you get to raid. Most importantly, we require our members to be mature, friendly and polite.

We are a casual raiding guild that believes that your time is your time. If you signup to raid, however, then we expect you to be prepared by having the appropriate spec, gear and consumables for your class.

If you are interested in joining CoD, please visit our website at http://councilofdragons.guildiaunch.com and use the "Apply to Guild" link on the lefthand menu to fill out an application. We also encourage you to read our policies (http://councilofdragons.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=178421&gid=29848) before applying.

If you have questions, please contact Hachidori (a.k.a. Tzufit) or Milric by in-game mail or whisper.

Thank you!
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90 Troll Druid
You guys have been doing stellar stuff in your raiding. It's been fun having another guild at just about the same spot as us. It's very impressive how quickly you're downing content. We watched you zoom through Empress, and then knock out Terrace super fast (beating us to Sha even)! Congratulations! *hugs*

And, because we playfully talk about you guys in our raids (we don't know anyone in your guild at all), I though I would share that we call you guys the Crime Dragons. It's plenty cute the way we use it.

So continue on with your awesome selves. Good luck and good hunting in those heroic modes!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I am MORE than willing to become a Space-goat named Crimebaby..

call me...
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90 Troll Druid
Draenei are really hot! My second character ever was a hot space goat paly and I miss her ; ;
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