Hello folks, Amazing is recruiting to fill out a few spots. Before I get to that, let me tell you a little about us so you have a good idea whether or not this is a place you'll enjoy spending your free time. I took a hiatus during most of Cataclysm and the Amazing of that era is not the Amazing of now. If you've been around the server for a bit you might know me and a few of the other members of the guild by different names.
I'm Niil, formerly of Apples. I ran the Friday night Naxx pugs and lead the Apple's raids during *most* of Northrend era. Arat ran things at the beginning, Ellach I presume took over towards the end of Icecrown. Cragfu folks might know as Krona, a prominent mage from Apples at the same point. He retired a little earlier than I did from the (some would argue that's it's not, whatever) hardcore raiding. The rest of the core is Maymay in all her alt forms, Saulten, Wenzel, Chomo, and Rashel. Then we have some friends and family that join us on raids as well. Any other personality you may know from Amazing prior to MoP is gone, which includes Davilator, along with any drama they caused.
We are not hardcore elite raiders looking to carry folks to gear. While most of us have, at some point, raided on a heavy schedule (3-5 days a week), that's not our style anymore. Currently we've got one raid day per week set and we're looking to expand that a little. We're raiding on Saturday evening 9-12pm server and looking at fitting in a few 2 hour raid sessions throughout the week around the 8-10pm server time frame. We're mostly late 20's and early 30's folks who have jobs and lives outside of WoW thus we feel real life > WoW. If folks can't make every raid, as long as they list it on the calendar we don't mind. We're looking for folks who, when they're on, are going to join us in vent, run 5 mans, and in general do stuff, and make *most* of the raids.
We're very laid back about everything, if you want to run oldworld content we have folks who love to go back and do that kinda thing. If you're not into it, no sweat. We regularly run 5 mans to help gear folks or just knock out our valor farm for the day. Many in the guild do the rep grind dailies together, but we don't freak out if someone hate dailies and just doesn't want to do them. We don't have crazy rules like, you must donate half your gold to our guild bank + a kidney in order to pickup off gear in raids. Generally we roll off on loot and alternate so everyone gets something, prioritizing by main and off specs, no DKP here. Most of us have alt-itis, and while we don't change mains up too often, we typically have a lot of alts leveling or capped running LFR and other 5 mans. We don't scream at folks in vent, and in general don't tolerate people maliciously demeaning others or starting drama. If it's friendly banter though, it's all good.
That out of the way, here's what we're looking for.
2-3 DPS
That's prettymuch it. We'd like a rogue and a mage, but to put it simply we don't buy the "omg have to have x, y, z class comp!" We play to have fun, to down content, and enjoy the time we're spending with our fellow gamers, not stressing over completely superfluous min/max'ing. That will put us over what we need to raid. We'll be rotating on a volunteer basis. We are not looking for folks to sit on the bench until we need someone.
We have not done much raiding yet this xpac. We've pugged a few spots and downed The Stone Guard in MV but that's about it thus far. We want people that aren't expecting to be carried, don't mind wiping as we all learn new content but our repairs are funded by the guild so no worries there. As a whole we're pretty good about covering each other for flasks, food, crafted gear, basically whatever we can do to help each other out we're usually doing it.
Here's our current roster:
Tanks - Monk, Deathknight
Healers - Monk, Priest, (Ret Pally swaps to our third healer as needed)
DPS - Balance Druid, Hunter, Pally, Warlock, Ele Shaman
If you're interested, hit me up in game. I'm usually on remote if I'm not logged in. If for some reason I'm not available you can always check in with Maymay or Saulten. Thanks!
I'm Niil, formerly of Apples. I ran the Friday night Naxx pugs and lead the Apple's raids during *most* of Northrend era. Arat ran things at the beginning, Ellach I presume took over towards the end of Icecrown. Cragfu folks might know as Krona, a prominent mage from Apples at the same point. He retired a little earlier than I did from the (some would argue that's it's not, whatever) hardcore raiding. The rest of the core is Maymay in all her alt forms, Saulten, Wenzel, Chomo, and Rashel. Then we have some friends and family that join us on raids as well. Any other personality you may know from Amazing prior to MoP is gone, which includes Davilator, along with any drama they caused.
We are not hardcore elite raiders looking to carry folks to gear. While most of us have, at some point, raided on a heavy schedule (3-5 days a week), that's not our style anymore. Currently we've got one raid day per week set and we're looking to expand that a little. We're raiding on Saturday evening 9-12pm server and looking at fitting in a few 2 hour raid sessions throughout the week around the 8-10pm server time frame. We're mostly late 20's and early 30's folks who have jobs and lives outside of WoW thus we feel real life > WoW. If folks can't make every raid, as long as they list it on the calendar we don't mind. We're looking for folks who, when they're on, are going to join us in vent, run 5 mans, and in general do stuff, and make *most* of the raids.
We're very laid back about everything, if you want to run oldworld content we have folks who love to go back and do that kinda thing. If you're not into it, no sweat. We regularly run 5 mans to help gear folks or just knock out our valor farm for the day. Many in the guild do the rep grind dailies together, but we don't freak out if someone hate dailies and just doesn't want to do them. We don't have crazy rules like, you must donate half your gold to our guild bank + a kidney in order to pickup off gear in raids. Generally we roll off on loot and alternate so everyone gets something, prioritizing by main and off specs, no DKP here. Most of us have alt-itis, and while we don't change mains up too often, we typically have a lot of alts leveling or capped running LFR and other 5 mans. We don't scream at folks in vent, and in general don't tolerate people maliciously demeaning others or starting drama. If it's friendly banter though, it's all good.
That out of the way, here's what we're looking for.
2-3 DPS
That's prettymuch it. We'd like a rogue and a mage, but to put it simply we don't buy the "omg have to have x, y, z class comp!" We play to have fun, to down content, and enjoy the time we're spending with our fellow gamers, not stressing over completely superfluous min/max'ing. That will put us over what we need to raid. We'll be rotating on a volunteer basis. We are not looking for folks to sit on the bench until we need someone.
We have not done much raiding yet this xpac. We've pugged a few spots and downed The Stone Guard in MV but that's about it thus far. We want people that aren't expecting to be carried, don't mind wiping as we all learn new content but our repairs are funded by the guild so no worries there. As a whole we're pretty good about covering each other for flasks, food, crafted gear, basically whatever we can do to help each other out we're usually doing it.
Here's our current roster:
Tanks - Monk, Deathknight
Healers - Monk, Priest, (Ret Pally swaps to our third healer as needed)
DPS - Balance Druid, Hunter, Pally, Warlock, Ele Shaman
If you're interested, hit me up in game. I'm usually on remote if I'm not logged in. If for some reason I'm not available you can always check in with Maymay or Saulten. Thanks!