The Future of Azeoth

90 Human Warlock
Hello I am wondering is their anyone out their who is pondering what is happening with the story of Azeroth and coming up with the what will happen next in their heads.
( i know their are, I just don't know who)

So anyone who plays on Sisters of Elune what do you think will happen next ?
Were is the story going
How do you think this will Expac will end ?( we know who* the final boss is and sorta why)
Tell me what you think could or could not happen.

(added the word who)
Edited by Theias on 11/24/2012 1:27 AM PST
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90 Tauren Paladin
Well about the final boss in this Expac, it was already spoiled by blizz sadly. it will be Garrosh.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I think right now the big looming question for the end of the expansion is "Who will be Warchief?" That and possibly where will Wrathion take us in his twisted double-dealing plots.

That kind of sucks for the Alliance, since once again there will be a heavy Horde-centralized theme. For Cataclysm we all had to deal with Green Jesus, aka Thrall. Now we have to deal with getting rid of Garrosh and installing a brand new Warchief. I'll be honest, I hope you guys on the blue side have some bigger story love between now and Garrosh, or I would just be super mad. First you have to log in every day (or whenever you log in) to Deathwing grinding all over your capital, then you are forced to help Thrall, and now you have to help us get rid of Garrosh.

You guys should strike or something.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
11/23/2012 01:01 AMPosted by Skies
First you have to log in every day (or whenever you log in) to Deathwing grinding all over your capital, then you are forced to help Thrall, and now you have to help us get rid of Garrosh.

I hate to be the "It's only fair" guy, but after we spent two years in Northrend playing second fiddle to Tirion to kill their old mad prince, and two years before that in Outland killing their demon hunter and letting Velen be purple Jesus and literally saving an entire race, it kinda is.

In a perfect world, story would be balanced between the two factions, and this expansion has been much better about doing so. But it was nice to have our time to shine while Deathwing was lighting everything on fire after the majority of story in the last two expansions was Alliance related, especially Northrend.
Edited by Lectril on 11/23/2012 8:21 AM PST
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90 Human Warlock
1 Varian is now the High King (He is officialy in charge of the Allience)
2 I think Dalaran is gonna be less horde Frendly
3 We get to kick Garrosh's Big red A$$

Now all we gotta do in the next Expac it take back South shore and Gilneas and
Wait for the Titans to come

Because they are coming
either to help us kill Sergaras or
to kill us and restart the planet

(sorry for my spelling I am terribul at this and Grammar )
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90 Blood Elf Monk
11/23/2012 01:01 AMPosted by Skies
That and possibly where will Wrathion take us in his twisted double-dealing plots.

Have you seen the two npcs that pat around Mogu'shan Palace?

It's quite interesting to follow them and hear what they say.
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90 Human Warlock
No I haven't Win.
I will have to look out for them.
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90 Blood Elf Monk
They start at the edge of the lake closest to the Horde base and slowly make their way around the lake towards the edge closest to the Alliance base. They'll make little pit stops, with one of the being on the shrine located at the edge.

Just read that there's also another Blackwatcher with Zazzo Twinklefingers in Valley of the Four Winds, .
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"Allegría, come un lampo di vita. Allegría~" {◕ ◡ ◕}
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90 Human Warlock
It seems Wrathion is trying to tells us what is comming...

Also I thought of the biggest Mind Fudge to the horde ...
Varian taking over ... ending both the horde and Allience .... now wouldn't that kill the game in one Fel swoop Lol.
Death to Garrosh that big red butt needs to die !
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