Moon Guard Has Invaded

85 Night Elf Priest
Yes, it's true.

CRZ has brought the the fel denizens of Moon Guard's "Goldshire" to Sisters of Elune.
Our pristine and tranquil Goldshire is now rife with badly named, profane spewing, ERP debauchery, and naked Night Elves gyrating and moaning in the inn.

I prayed to Elune this would not happen, but the light has failed us.

To Blizzard:
WHY would you do this? Please give us a good reason, because this is wholly unfair, wrong, and patently BAD FORM.

We have done nothing to deserve this, please rethink this change. I have no issue with CRZ, but I have serious issue with this. Please monitor and bring the hammer down on these people, they laugh in your face and don't respect your authority.

I don't know if we'll be able to clamp down on the behavior from our end, but dammit, you did this....YOU FIX IT!

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90 Blood Elf Monk

You'll want the CRZ feedback sticky in the General Discussion forum.
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"Allegría, come un lampo di vita. Allegría~" {◕ ◡ ◕}
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85 Night Elf Priest
There is no CRZ sticky, they removed it.
The thread is there, (just not stickied) and I posted my opinion. We know what this means, the thread will die and so will anyone's dissent about CRZ, which I really don't have an issue with. My issue is the infestation of the Pornshire idiots into my gaming experience ON A DIFFERENT SERVER. We were spared that indignity when CRZ first came out.

Now we have to suffer.

This affects SoE directly, and I know that no matter where I post my comment about it, it will fly about as far as a lead football.
Edited by Serah on 11/28/2012 2:51 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Monk
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to stop you from stating your opinion on this. But given the whole part of "To Blizzard" I figured you wanted to give your thoughts on this to the folks that make the decisions on whether CRZ stays or goes. Those folks don't make it a habit of reading realm forums.

I do think it's quite unfair to lump everyone from Moon Guard into the whole Goldshire debacle. For the most part the folks who keep doing those ToS-breaking things are not from the realm itself, just people who have nothing better to do. I think we'd be missing out on some good roleplay and possibly even friendships if we went straight to that assumption whenever we run into someone from Moon Guard.

I do agree that the banhammer needs to be swung around and with more strength now that it affects folks who aren't from the server.

As far as for things from your end, right-click reports and ignores are the most you can do. I've also had instances where roleplaying at griefers has actually caused them to run for the hills in fear, so that might be worth a shot.
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"Allegría, come un lampo di vita. Allegría~" {◕ ◡ ◕}
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85 Night Elf Priest

I'm just resolved to never going there again, and playing on other servers.

SoE is my main server with 11 toons. Dailies and the occasional raids. No more trips to help with world events. *sigh*

I'm just damn disappointed that (knowing what we know about Goldshire in Moon Guard) they would unleash "them" on "us." I know some folks who have youngsters that play in nice quiet family guilds, and this (Moon Guard antics) just ruins the atmosphere.
Edited by Serah on 11/28/2012 1:50 PM PST
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90 Human Warlock
Serah I think that its it wrong a foul that Pornshire has arrived to our home.
To Win, Have you ever been to Pornshire? its really really bad. Its time like this I wish GMs could Manifest them selves and mass teleport all the ERPer to the mythical GM Island. Now I will say I find nothing wrong with ERP but I think it is one of thous things you do in some random house is some far out place in Azeroth you have made your home not in the town were all the new players are starting new toons.

I think the only real solution we have is to start populating our Goldshire to prevent the cross over then we should be safe form this kind of thing happening
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85 Human Priest
There isn't any real reason to go there anyways.
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Shhh... Don't tell Blizzard! Right now we practically get a realm transfer to Moon Guard for free - the whole community is a minute away from Stormwind!

- - We were unmerged from Moon Guard two minutes after I posted this. Clearly, the danger of profit loss made the Blizzard gods change their mind.
Edited by Yuyi on 12/4/2012 5:09 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Monk
In MG's defense, alot of the profane idiot's.... are from other servers trolling MG, not to defend pornshire mind you, plenty of people from the server cause chaos there too, and horde TRY to clean it up some (or at least enjoy our little room of sanity) but, accidents happen, next time send in some horde flagged up, most of them can't resist attacking, then you can maul them.

Kinda relaxing really...
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