All Pet Collectors Come Join Us!

100 Tauren Warrior
Hello and hugs!

We are the Bloodhoof Brigands and we love our pets...and we are looking for more pet lovers who love to not only collect, but also do pet battles

So come along and join us!!!!

For the Horde and for the Pets!!!!!
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83 Worgen Hunter
I've been getting in to the pet collecting and fight the tamers ATM.
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90 Undead Mage
Can I just say I love you?

Sometimes I don't have time to read your blog posts, but they always make me smile.

Keep on doing your thing, Kernhoof. Can't remember ever meeting a bad Bloodhoof Brigand.
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100 Tauren Warrior
Hi there!

Thank you for the love!!!!

I need to write a new post this week!!!!!

Lots of love and hugs for all!
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