late night RPers?

85 Night Elf Warrior
just reactivated my account and hoping to find some late night rpers if there's any out there?
maybe a late night or mid-day raiding guild too if possible... once i hit 90 and decently geared.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Given I'm in Alaska, most of my play time is late. I'm an altoholic and can usually be found on Aeris, Sahirra, or Josalora. I'll be leaving on the 19th to travel for the holidays, but if you catch me on feel free to message me ^.^

Also you may want to /join RPchatter as a good portion of RPers hang out in the channel to keep in touch ^.^
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90 Human Warrior
Giv I'm an altoholic and can usually be found on Aeris, Sahirra, or Josalora.

I read that as I am a Alchoholic. Whew....wait that might be a true statement

/runs from Mira
Edited by Grimun on 12/20/2012 8:07 PM PST
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