Looking for an RP Guild :)

90 Tauren Druid
Alright! :D So I am looking for a Roleplay Guild (H) only as My Tauren is my only Character. I suppose I am looking for a RP Guild that as well will run Dung. together, raids and possibly PvP. A Helpful guild would be nice as well since this is my first WoW character and there is still a lot I don't know about the World of Warcraft ^.^

As well, does anyone know if the Guild Defenders of Mulgore is still around and active?
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
As a matter of fact, they are. Just give them a quick /who the next time you're on, someone is usually on.

Also, a /rpchatter channel does exist, even if it is a little quiet these days.
Edited by Lectril on 1/17/2013 8:48 AM PST
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