We are looking to recruit some active players to fill a raid team. Accepting all classes, races, and specs. You are most likely to get a raid spot by being a tank or healer. To apply please mail your real id or at the very least your toon's name to either me Arnzarn, Alefich or Dugra. Alternatively i will be checking this thread every so often if you wish to post here.
We are an older guild trying to rebuild and reemerge, we will accept alts if they are appropriately leveled and geared.
I hope to see some of you in the guild ^^
We are an older guild trying to rebuild and reemerge, we will accept alts if they are appropriately leveled and geared.
I hope to see some of you in the guild ^^
Edited by Thullius on 1/29/2013 3:51 PM PST